2023-10-23 07:14:11
In Chantal’s case, it was the floods that caused her to change her social status. Rather comfortable until then, alone, with a stable job and a small house. She receives us there just as the postman gives her a package.
“Phew, no bills today“, she tells him. In front of the house, even two years following the terrible floods which hit her street, tiles and damaged materials litter the ground.
“You see, wherever there are traces of repairs and dirty materials left on the sidewalks, these are small owners. Proof that they have not managed to put everything back in order in more than 2 years.” And to explain to us inside his house (filled with recycled materials) the damage suffered and the budget hole caused.
The root of the calamities, despite what was said, did not occur at all because of my status. He intervened for the uninsured.
“The insurance companies awarded me 32,000 euros out of the 75,000 euros of estimated damage. So I had to take out a loan to repair the essentials and be able to move back into my house. The root of the calamities, despite what was said, did not occur at all because of my status. He intervened for the uninsured“.
To fully understand her situation, Chantal prepared all her invoices and expenses for us. Repair loan, medical expenses, medicines, car, insurance, rising property tax, trash tax, taxes, and regularization energy bills of 4,500 euros.
Here is his testimony: “It’s simple, this month, I have 1700 euros worth of bills and I still have to do my shopping and put gas in my car to go to work. I find myself in the highest tax status, which does not entitle me to any assistance. I have to hunt down good deals everywhere. To decorate my house, I collect scraps of materials everywhere. And I tinker. To reduce my gas bill, I would need a big investment in insulation, but I can’t afford it. So I collect some insulation and stuff the holes in my cellar. But all this tires me out a lot. And my health suffers. Morally, it’s also difficult, because I no longer have the means to pay for a short vacation weekend to take my mind off things. I’ll tell you, I’m at a point where I feel like I no longer have my place in society. It’s sad“.
#workers #isolated #owners #homes #verge #precariousness