Understanding Chest Pain: Causes, Symptoms, and Emergency Conditions

2023-10-23 06:31:22

Entered 2023.10.23 15:30 Views 18 Entered 2023.10.23 15:30 Modified 2023.10.23 11:35 Views 18

I had to take care of some urgent work, so I went to work early in the morning. It was colder than expected because it was the change of seasons and it was early in the morning. As I was walking quickly to the subway, my heart suddenly throbbed. And then a pressure that felt like it was squeezing my heart suddenly hit me. I shouted to those passing by, “Call 119.” -Mr. A’s case

The most dangerous one is myocardial infarction.

Even when taken to the hospital, 40% are already beyond help. Symptoms of chest pain are due to various reasons. There are well over 10. In particular, on days with large temperature differences, the risk of developing heart disease increases as it puts strain on the heart.

It is characterized by chest pain and a feeling of tightness and tightness in the chest. In addition to vomiting, cold sweat occurs, and the pain sometimes extends to the neck and left arm.

Cardiology specialist Director Seol Sang-hoon (Busan Seol Sang-hun Simsarang Internal Medicine Clinic) said, “This is because the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart are blocked by blood clots, etc., causing the heart muscle to harden.” He also said, “It’s different from angina, which gets better if you stay still and don’t move.”

Additionally, if pain lasts for more than 30 minutes, there is a high possibility of myocardial infarction. You can’t breathe well, and in severe cases, your heart stops. This is also the time when you need to perform a cardiac compression massage before the ambulance arrives or use the AED (automated external defibrillator) found at the subway station.

However, people with diabetes or older people sometimes experience shortness of breath or dizziness rather than chest pain. So this is an area that requires more careful attention.

The next most dangerous thing is angina pectoris.

It is literally a symptom of pain as if the heart is being squeezed. Like myocardial infarction, it is caused by arteriosclerosis, where blood clots and waste accumulate in the coronary arteries of the heart. However, myocardial infarction occurs when the coronary artery is completely blocked, and angina occurs when the coronary artery is not completely blocked but blood does not flow well.

As heart function deteriorates, chest pain occurs when climbing stairs or walking while carrying a heavy load. Pain also occurs when you overeat. However, usually the pain goes away if you remain still.

Pain radiating to the center of the chest or to the left side is also a typical warning sign of angina. There is also a ‘variant’ type of angina in which drinkers or heavy smokers complain of chest pain in the early morning.

Although the frequency is not very high, ‘aortic dissection’ is also a very emergency disease. A disease that occurs when the lining that makes up the wall of the aorta falls away from the middle lining. The cause is prolonged hypertension and degeneration of the inside of the aortic wall.

You may feel extreme chest pain, and as the detachment progresses, the pain may move to the solar plexus, back, or lower back. It usually occurs acutely.

Pulmonary embolism in the respiratory tract is also one of the high-risk diseases.

It is a disease in which the lungs do not function due to blockage of the blood vessels (pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein) that supply blood to the lungs.

When blood supply to the lungs is cut off, it causes difficulty breathing and severe pain in the chest. The pain is worse when you take a deep breath or cough. ‘Cyanosis’, where the lips, tongue, or skin turns blue, may also appear.

Another complication is that pulmonary embolism is not easy to diagnose. However, when autopsies were conducted on deaths in hospitals, pulmonary embolism was found in regarding 15% of cases, and research results showed that pulmonary embolism was the direct cause of death in regarding one-third of these cases.

Myocardial infarction, aortic dissection, and pulmonary embolism all have high mortality rates, so they must be quickly diagnosed in the emergency room using chest and abdominal CT, electrocardiogram, and echocardiography, and begin immediate treatment. Director Seol said, “If sudden chest pain persists for more than 30 minutes for any reason, you should immediately visit a nearby hospital.”

Chest pain can also occur when there is pleurisy, which is inflammation of the membrane surrounding the lungs, pneumonia, which is inflammation of the lungs, or pneumothorax, where air is trapped in the lung walls.

However, the most common cause of chest pain is digestive disease. It may be similar to myocardial infarction or angina, so it is easy to confuse.

In particular, in the case of reflux esophagitis, pain occurs not only in the anterior chest area but also in the back. Director Seol said, “The pain feels like ‘burning’ at the end of the solar plexus or below the sternum, and it gets worse in a lying down or leaning forward position.”

However, if you drink milk or water, or just raise your upper body, the pain will be reduced, at least temporarily.

Acute pancreatitis pain is similar to myocardial infarction.

Pain appears at the tip of the solar plexus. Instead, the level of pain is not normal. The pain is so severe that hospitals prescribe narcotic painkillers such as morphine.

Chest pain related to the musculoskeletal system is related to inflammation in the cartilage connected to the ribs. Every time I move my upper body, I feel pain, and when I take a deep breath, I feel a pain as if my chest is being pricked by a needle.

In particular, chest pain caused by costochondritis (costochondritis) becomes more severe when you press the painful area with your finger. Excessive exercise such as gymnastics, swimming, or golf is often the cause, so when young patients in their 20s or 30s complain of severe chest pain, it is usually costochondritis.

In addition, you may feel significant chest pain when you have degenerative arthritis in the cervical or thoracic spine, or when you have stress, anxiety, or panic disorder.

Director Seol Sang-hoon said, “The most common cause of chest pain is digestive diseases such as gastric and esophageal reflux inflammation, at regarding 50%, and cartilage and muscle around the breastbone or lung problems account for 30 to 40%,” adding, “10 to 10 percent are caused by the heart.” “Although it only accounts for 20%, there are many cases where it worsens acutely and is directly life-threatening,” he said.

Director Seol Sang-hoon. [사진=코메디닷컴]

#Sudden #chest #pain #dangerous



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