Advancing the Prestige of Family and Community Medicine: The Role of Accrediting Agencies and Universities

2023-10-23 05:00:11

Family and Community Medicine identifies four axes to prestige the specialty from universities. In addition to a minimum of 18 ECTS credits of the subject between practical and theoretical, its transversality and the unification of the nomenclature, The fourth leg is the role that accrediting agencies play, such as the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (Aneca). In Catalonia, the Minister of Research and UniversitiesJoaquim Nadal, has committed to reverse the number of professors at the university who are family doctors.

Antoni Sisópresident of the Catalan Society of Family and Community Medicine (Camfic), advances to Medical Writing that Nadal “has undertaken to give the order to the Agency for Health Quality and Assessment of Catalonia (AQuAS) – the Aneca de Cataluña – to start a review process for the inclusion of new variables competitions”.

Both Nadal and Sisó agree that “the situation must change” because more than 35 percent of physicians are family doctors, but At the university, just over 3 percent of teachers are.. “If we are the most important in the health system, it would be good for Family and Community Medicine specialists let’s be the most important in the Faculty“, emphasizes the president of Camfic.

“Inclusive” proposal

In this sense, for Sisó the accrediting agencies “They must be able to consider other criteria than the current onessince many focus on aspects of research or scientific productivity”.

For this reason, he defends that AQuAS and Aneca “must adapt their accreditation mechanisms to the peculiarities of Family and Community Medicine.” Camfic’s proposal is that accrediting agencies assess other aspects of professional competence that are currently not taken into account, such as training, communication or healthcare issues.

This initiative, which was born in Catalonia and led by Camfic, will expand throughout the national territory through Semfyc. Sisó celebrates that both the Department of Research and Universities, led by Joaquim Nadal, and the Department of Health, headed by Manel Balcells, are aligned and are a hinge. Health, research and the university must be understood”remarks the president of Camfic.

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Medical Writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader that any health-related questions be consulted with a healthcare professional.

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