Golden Beans: The New Way to Save Money and Beat Volatile Markets

2023-10-23 00:00:07

“New way to save money”, “If you are not happy, save some money”gold”… As China’s deposit interest rates have fallen and financial product volatility has intensified, some investors have begun to turn to “Golden Bean” and show off their achievements on social platforms.

Different from the previous wave of gold hoarding, the current wave of “gold saving beans” popular on social media is mainly purchased by young people aged 25 to 35.Compared with large-scale shoppinggoldthey are more keen to purchase low-weight entities at a higher frequencygoldproduct.

Young people flock to “save money”

According to China Business News, Li Lei (pseudonym), who works for a real estate company in Shenzhen, Guangdong, is one of them. She used to put one-third of her salary into time deposit products every month, but as deposit interest rates have fallen, In May this year, she began to use some of her spare funds to buy 2 to 3 golden beans every month. By October, she had saved regarding 15 golden beans.

Li Lei started “saving golden beans” due to the sharing of various “strategies” and “experiences” on social platforms. What attracted her most to the trap was the value-preserving characteristics of golden beans and the ability to accumulate small amounts to make more. In her opinion, compared with other luxury goods,goldIt is relatively value-preserving and has strong market liquidity, so it can be used as an alternative way to save money.

At the same time, the lightest golden bean weighs regarding 1 gram, and it only takesRMB(The same below) The price is regarding 400 to 500 yuan, and the buying threshold is low. “The process of saving golden beans has enabled me to find some certainty among the uncertainties in life – using stable investment to reduce the risk of price fluctuations,” Li Lei said.

since this year,goldThe price continues to rise, and the successful experience of early purchasers has also gradually increased the popularity of “Golden Bean” to a certain extent. According to Li Lei, when she purchased golden beans, the price was only regarding 410 yuan/gram. By the end of August, the price soared to 600 yuan/gram.

The hot market is also reflected on the merchant side.Shenzhen Shuibei FamilygoldThe store owner said that currently the best-selling products in his online store are “golden beans” products, and recent monthly sales have nearly doubled compared to last year.

One of the store’s 1-gram golden bean products has sold more than 200,000 in total. The cumulative sales of 5-gram golden beans products have exceeded 10,000. In addition, statistics from the shopping platform where the store is located show that approximately 27% of the store’s customers are “repeat customers.”

Behind the craze of “saving golden beans”

In fact, the craze behind the “Golden Bean” craze is related to recent changes in the investment market. On the one hand, deposit interest rates have been cut several times this year, and some funds have flowed out of the banking system, with depositors trying to find products with higher returns.

According to the market data monitoring of Rong360 Digital Technology Research Institute, bank deposit interest rates dropped significantly in September. Among them, the average 1-year interest rate of bank lump sum deposits was 1.988%, the average 2-year interest rate was 2.294%, and the average 3-year interest rate was 1.988%. 2.695%, and the 5-year average interest rate is 2.624%. Compared with last month, they dropped by 8.4BP, 18.8BP, 22.8BP, and 25.3BP respectively.

In addition to the reduction in deposit interest rates, the growth rate of deposit balances also showed signs of slowing down.Financial statistics for the first three quarters recently released by the People’s Bank of China show that at the end of SeptemberRMBThe deposit balance was 281 trillion yuan, an annual increase of 10.2%, and the growth rate decreased by 0.3 percentage points from the end of last month.

On the other hand, unlike the continued downward trend in deposit interest rates, since this year,goldPrices are rising.In mid-to-late February this year, the Shanghai Futures Exchangegold futuresThe main contract (AU2312) was around 415 yuan/gram to 220 yuan/gram, and then experienced multiple rounds of rising prices, reaching as high as 480 yuan/gram on September 15.

Although since the end of SeptembergoldThere have been fluctuations, but as of October 16, this year to the Shanghai Futures Exchangegold futuresThe main contract’s increase is still as high as 11.74%.

Industry insiders believe that in this year’s environment of falling deposit interest rates, intensified financial market volatility, and a slightly sluggish stock market,goldIt does have a certain appeal to investors.Low weightgoldThe purchase cost is relatively low and the method is more flexible. It is expected that it is popular among young people.

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