Supporting Breast Cancer Awareness: Pink Mercat and Community Activities

2023-10-22 20:31:00

The town hall had organized a pink mercat to support the breast cancer awareness campaign. From 9 a.m., producers, traders and artisans set up on the town hall square and under the pine forest, decorated with balloons and pink pompom flowers. The Cancer League and Geneviève Xéridat, midwife, held an information stand for the public, with a demonstration of self-examination and elements of help to be provided to sick people.

Marche, photos, tee-shirts, aéroboxe

At 9:30 a.m., 48 participants, dressed in pink, sometimes accompanied by four-legged friends, took part in the pink walk organized and supervised by the Sport santé dels Albera association.

The Saint-André merchants’ association, represented by master pastry chef Damien Ruiz, sold t-shirts and pins for the benefit of the League Against Cancer.

A “Self-Esteem” photo studio was set up at the town hall, council room, decorated with flower crowns offered by a flower producer from Palau-del-Vidre. More than 40 people passed in front of the lens of Andréen photographer, Dany Salliot. The photos will be on display during the exhibition “You women, we men” in November, at the town hall art gallery.

At 10:30 a.m., upon returning from the march, Leslie, from the Cardio boxe 66 association, offered an aeroboxing session, in which around ten young girls and women, including a few elected officials, participated. Leslie shared her passion and explained how sport can help you fight and rebuild yourself.

Until 1 p.m., participants in this morning were able to enjoy all the friendly atmosphere offered by the transfer window.

The town hall and the church were lit up in pink throughout the event. The donations collected during this morning were donated to the League Against Cancer.

#Saint #Andrew #pink #mercat #raise #awareness #screening



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