Results of the 2023 elections minute by minute: waiting for the exit polls and the first official data

2023-10-22 22:34:00

All citizens between 18 and 70 years old have the obligation to go to the polls this Sunday to vote for the next president of Argentina. Los first results of the 2023 general elections They will begin to be known hours before midnight.

The electoral ban established by the National Electoral Justice states that until three hours following the elections close, surveys, pre-election polls and projections of the result cannot be published or disseminated.

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At what time will the first results of the elections be available?

The voting centers closed at 6 p.m., so The publication of results and trends will only be allowed following 9 p.m.. However, the head of the National Electoral Directorate (DINE), Marcos Schiavi, pointed out that the official results will begin to be published an hour later.

“What we want is to be able to give a result, as we did in the PASO, that, although the difference was reduced later, everything we said at 10:30 p.m. was what happened: the first was the first, the second was the second, the third was third. The percentages were reduced, but not the order,” he commented in communication with Radio Perfil.

And he added: “It is very important, obviously, give the results as soon as possible, but above all that the result given is consolidated and representative“remarked the head of the DINE Marcos Schiavi. He also classified these elections as “a delicate election” in relation to the positions that are chosen.

Exit mouth: what are they and how are they made?

To anticipate this information, and trying to circumvent the electoral ban, several interested parties resort to the so-called “exit exit.” This type of survey is carried out with the voters following having left the schools where they voted.

Unlike opinion polls, which ask regarding voting intention or similar data, these ask who the voter just voted for.

“It is done with a questionnaire of closed questions, you give the voter the options and they have to choose one,” Cristián Solmoirago, political scientist and director of the consulting firm Solmoirago, told PERFIL.

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And he added: “It is defined with the client and many times it is done by category. For example, in the province of Buenos Aires, which has a very long ballot, it might be done by President, Governor and Mayor of a certain municipality.”

However, like any survey, the “exit exits” They have a margin of error and it depends on the voter wanting to respond.. “There is a factor today, which is that many people do not want to talk. Before it was easier, people were more predisposed, but now there is a large number that does not want to respond.”

Likewise, another of the issues that are considered is that the respondent may lie in his answer regarding the candidate he chose.

What are witness tables and how do they differ from exit polls?

The witness tables are carried out through prosecutors of the different parties running for general elections. In this way, each authority uploads the results and the minutes of their table to their own computing center that does the survey and with that they project the results.

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With the witness tables, you should not wait until 10 p.m. or more to know the voting trend, since the counting begins at 6 p.m. and the results are uploaded as they are obtained. It should be noted that, likewise, these projections by law They cannot be broadcast before 9 p.m.

The difference with the exit polls is that the witness tables are built with information from the scrutiny reportwhile the exit polls are carried out with the voter responses.

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When does the electoral ban end?

The electoral ban began at 8 a.m. on Friday and will end three hours following the elections close, that is, at 9 p.m. on Sunday, October 22.

During this period, no public campaign events or electoral proselytizing that call for voting may be carried out. Likewise, pre-election surveys and polls and projections of the result cannot be published and disseminated.

The sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited from 8 p.m. on Saturday and distribution will only be able to resume when the ban is completely lifted. This measure aims to be able to provide a space for reflection for voters before having to make the decision regarding who will be the next president of Argentina.

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How much is the fine for not going to vote?

In the event of not being able to justify the absence from the polls within a period of sixty days following the election, the JNE will sanction fines that can range from 50 pesos to 500 pesos for citizens over 18 years of age and under 70.

The fines are applied progressively depending on the number of previous unregularized infractions, that is, without paying or justifying them, that the person has.

  • If you do not have previous unregularized sanctions, you will only have to pay 50 pesos.
  • If you have a previous violation, the amount will be 100 pesos.
  • Meanwhile, if the voter has two infractions without regularizing the value will reach 200 pesos.
  • If you have three previous violations without paying, the fine will amount to 400 pesos.
  • If the voter has four or more previous infractions without regularizing the amount to be paid will be 500 pesos.

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What happens if I didn’t go to vote?

Because voting is mandatory for all people over 18 years of age and under 70, the National Electoral Justice determined a series of sanctions for those who do not vote and do not present a justification in this regard.

If the citizen does not go to the voting centers, will be punished with a financial fine and will be included in the Registry of Violators of the duty to votewhere the fines will be progressive depending on the amount accumulated.

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Likewise, the JNE also sanctions people who do not go to the polls. preventing them from carrying out procedures in national organizationsprovincial and the City of Buenos Aires for one year, nor hold public functions or jobs for three years.

If the person can justify their absence, they will have a period of sixty days following the election to appear before the Federal Court with Electoral Competence closest to their home along with the documentation that supports the reason why they did not vote.

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