Recycling Packaging: Tools and Resources for Sorting and Reusing Waste

2023-10-22 05:19:46

If you still have doubts regarding packaging, tools exist. Fost Plus, for example, created the site, where you can search for packaging to find out how to sort it. Recently, l’application Looping was also launched for Wallonia and Brussels. “Its principle is simple. If I have waste in front of me, I can scan it with my smartphone or search in the app to find out how I can reuse and recycle it“, explains one of its founders, Renaud Gryspeerdt.

On the application, we learn for example that wooden cutlery can be thrown into the compost or into the residual bin, but not into the organic bin. As sorting is not only limited to household waste, the application also indicates options for repairing or giving a second life to everyday objects, such as electronic devices and clothing. All these resources were collected from recycling and second-hand players in Belgium.

There is still a lot of work to do

Since its launch a few months ago, its founders are already observing general trends in user searches. They identified a “top 9” of the most searches carried out on the application. “People ask questions regarding very common packaging, like the packet of chips or the pizza box. It was observed that the level of knowledge regarding recycling is relatively low and that there is still a lot of work to be done“, explains Renaud Gryspeerdt.

As shown in the graph below, the most searched waste on the app is the bag of chips. But as explained above, this is explained. Until recently, this packaging was not recyclable.

#Pizza #boxes #packets #chips #wooden #cutlery #waste #dont #throw #bin



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