Pilnacek’s death is just the tip of the iceberg: justice victims have no lobby. | PFÖ

2023-10-21 11:27:04

Cannabis legal expert, real lawyer W.Pöltl, says: The justice system is destroying the livelihoods of innocent people with complete impunity! A justice victim breaks the silence.

Graz (OTS) W.Pöltl studied criminal law. He has long been denouncing: “Judicial scandal proceedings against innocent people bordering on arbitrary, exceeded by – insubstantial – existence-destroying imposition of pre-trial detention, illegal disclosure of (untrue) file contents to the media, support of pre-judgment of innocent people that violates human rights. All of this shapes the Austrian justice system . Now there is a judicial fatality. Presumably driven to death by the judiciary. Pilnacek, an – internally uncomfortable – lawyer. One who has not played along uncritically in the inhumane judicial persecution mainstream. Chased to death by the judiciary. Pilnacek is not an isolated case. W.Pöltl knows the following scandalous justice victim case: “An innocent man was arrested due to slander against a female person, an illegal police interview and with the help of a false report from a police doctor. The police doctor subjected him to a degrading and deeply insulting and degrading examination in the presence of security officers. The justice victim was then dragged almost naked into the “rubber cell” and was bleeding from the mouth. The justice victim was not given any medical care. As an innocent person, the justice victim was subsequently held in custody like an animal for 6 months and subjected to psychological torture. The police/justice provided the media with – untrue – representations. The media then reported page after page of untrue, derogatory and slanderous reports about the arrested man and portrayed him to readers as a criminal. People also didn’t shy away from publishing pictures of someone portrayed as a criminal but actually innocent. After 6 months in prison (as an innocent!), the justice victim was acquitted on appeal and the acquittal was confirmed by the Supreme Court. Although the prosecutor had tried everything possible to get the innocent man convicted. However, his far-fetched and completely confused, inconclusive and incomprehensible accusation was rejected by the Supreme Court. From the very beginning, the police and public prosecutor committed serious misconduct in the investigation, massively violated the principle of objectivity and did not admit evidence that would have immediately exonerated the victim of justice, thus ultimately destroying the existence of the innocent person. He therefore had to leave his homeland after his acquittal. Neither the police nor the judiciary were ever held accountable. The reason: In Austria, the police and judiciary are allowed to destroy the livelihoods of innocent people with complete impunity and without consequences. Possible prerequisite for prosecution: Completely crazy, far-fetched, unsubstantiated allegations and the judicial destruction process begins. And so that the public death blow can be struck against the victim of justice, the media is completely illegally supplied with the most absurd accusations. An acquittal no longer helps someone who has been so destroyed. That the justice victim in question here (note: the name and the case is well known to the author) did not receive any compensation for his stay in the psycho-torture dungeon and that he had to pay the exorbitant legal fees/procedural costs (over €70,000 !) had to bear the burden themselves, which only makes the guilt of the Austrian judiciary even greater and more reprehensible. To date, the victim of justice has not received an apology from the judiciary. But there is one thing that the judiciary has not achieved: the possible suicide of its victim as a result of the judicial agitation. Completely in contrast to the Pilnacek judicial victim death case. The justice victim described here is no longer silent and will show in book form and in public lectures what needs to be denounced: the Austrian justice system scandal with fatal consequences. Unpunished, reprehensible, inhumane.

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Questions & Contact:

Wolfgang Pöltl
Tel.: 0043-6641401616

#Pilnaceks #death #tip #iceberg #justice #victims #lobby #PFÖ

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