Setting Boundaries: Red Lines for a Balanced Life

2023-10-21 11:04:00

Sometimes we are ours worst enemy. Without wanting it, without looking for it, without being aware of it. We often have to mark ourselves Red lines to ourselves. We confuse the affability with total dedication, we all give it and we run out energy For ourselves.

Sometimes it happens to us with him job. It’s not a big deal to fool around, you’ll say, but we’re not aware that performance suffers when there’s no restthat the family gets tired of you always being absent and that a healthy life is a balanced life.

We are in the era of great resignation, people who, despite not having an alternative, quit their jobs, burned peoplemany in psychiatric treatment, living what they have feared so much.

Well-being requires boundaries to oneself. We have the possibility of eating everything we want, of buying countless consumer goods even in installments if necessary, but despite all these mod cons we are not happy. We have the highest rates in history in depression, anxiety, obesity and countless autoimmune and metabolic diseases. Maybe having access to everything is not the solution, maybe we need to set some limits for ourselves, for our wishes y whims. Maybe we have to rationalize or limit what we eat, what we consume, what we envy.

Maybe that limit that you have to set to recover your well-being is at a screen. Sight is the sense that provides the most information to our brain. What we see is our world, our reality, our reference. While we look at a screen we are not looking into the eyes of our partner, our children, or the people we are close to. Your world is your reference, your eyes are your focuses, your reality It’s what happens in front of your eyes.

It is possible that that limit that we must set, that red line that we must draw, is to the information that we receive. We cannot believe everything we read, see or are told. Your well-being will depend on the information that reaches you. Filter your information inputs, choose reliable and valid sources of information, analyze what comes to you, choose what you want to know and from what medium you want to know it. We care regarding hoaxes that never existed, we suffer from manipulated images, we get an idea of ​​reality from partial or partial information. decontextualized.

«It is better to take action than to be distracted. Problems are patient. Time does not heal anything. “Life will not change by magic.”

Tomas Navarro

Psychologist, writer and popularizer

Also limit your distraction. Being distracted is human, we need it and we look for it. We can’t always be at a mile an hour. But if you allow me, here I have two pieces of advice to offer you. The first is that this distraction is stimulating, constructive, that it contributes something to your life, that regenerates you. We often waste too much time on distractions that cause us more damage what a benefit.

The second piece of advice is to limit these distractions. You can watch your favorite series but set an alarm so you don’t fall into one. television and food spiral. Balance your activity time with your distraction time. Unbalanced scales were never good. By the way, a question: What are you trying to distract yourself from? We often distract ourselves from thinking regarding the life we ​​have or a problem certain. It is better to take action than to be distracted. Problems are patient. Time does not heal anything. Life will not change by magic.

Drawing lines for yourself is just as important as drawing them for an abusive or toxic profile. Yes, we are often toxic For ourselves…

You can discover other tips from Tomás Navarro (@tomasnavarropsi on Instagram) to set limits on those people who harm us in their work ‘Your red lines’ . And also, you can read other articles by Tomás Navarro in ABC Bienestar here.

#red #lines #draw #worst #enemy



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