Managing Stress: Effective Techniques to Reduce Cortisol Levels and Improve Health

2023-10-21 03:15:15

In today’s world, daily life has become a challenge that must be dealt with every day, since responsibilities, problems, conflicts with others, whether at work, school or personal level, among other situations, make many people become consumed with stress.

“The body is prepared to react to stress in a way that protects you against threats from predators and other aggressors. Although such threats are rare today, that does not mean that life does not cause stress.”

Work stress. | Photo: Getty Images

The aforementioned portal states that when a threat appears, the hypothalamus alerts the body. “Through a combination of nervous and hormonal signals, this system prompts the adrenal glands, located above the kidneys, to release a surge of hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol.”

The aforementioned portal also states that “cortisol is produced by the adrenal glands, two small glands located above the kidneys. “A gland in the brain, called the pituitary, produces a hormone that tells your adrenal glands how much cortisol to produce.”

Its proper functioning is of vital importance, which is why high levels of stress can begin to cause health problems.

the stress | Photo: Getty Images

How to lower it when you suffer from high cortisol?

The first thing to do when stress begins to wreak havoc and cortisol levels rise is to pause along the way and look at the big picture to understand how health is being affected by everyday problems.

Specialized portals recommend implementing meditation exercises, physical activity and Mindfulness in your daily routine to avoid getting carried away by the adversities and conflicts of everyday life.

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It is necessary to remember that if your health begins to be greatly affected due to stress, the ideal is to consult with a specialist to start treatment and prevent various conditions that may appear due to high levels of cortisol in the body.


Chronic stress puts your health at risk – MayoClinic

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