Is a Monthly Household Allowance of $6,000 Reasonable? A Hong Kong Mother’s Dilemma

2023-10-21 01:10:58

Is it for household use? And how much is the amount is an eternal problem. A Hong Kong mother complained that she recently asked her daughter, who had moved out and earns more than 20,000 yuan a month, to give her a monthly household income of NT$6,000. Unexpectedly, the daughter criticized her mother for treating her as a “money tree.” The Hong Kong mother felt that she originally asked for the household income just to “test” and bluntly said, “I feel like a beggar.” As for whether a monthly household expenditure of $6,000 is reasonable, different organizations in Hong Kong have conducted surveys on household expenditure in the past.

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A netizen said in an online discussion forum on Monday (16th) “Parent-child kingdom“Posted in the post, she said that a girlfriend told her that her daughter had just started working in the society for two months, with a monthly salary of more than 20,000 yuan. She was currently living with her boyfriend, and the daily expenses were paid by the husband.

This Hong Kong mother said that she once asked her daughter to give her a monthly household allowance of $6,000, but her daughter made it clear that she would only give $2,000. She even criticized her mother for treating her as a “money tree.” After hearing this, the Hong Kong mother groaned sadly: “I feel like a beggar.” The poster believed that the Hong Kong mother always loved her daughter, and wondered why her daughter had this idea. Some also asked the Hong Kong mother why she still insisted on her daughter contributing to the family income, and the other party said I hope my daughter will understand what it means to be responsible for the family.

The Hong Kong mother said that she understood that her daughter had just joined the society and hoped that she would save money first. The request for $6,000 in household expenses was just a test. “She thought that a daughter would say ‘yes’, so she told her not to give so much, or she would take the initiative to talk,” she said. He might accept it if he gave too much or too little. He mightn’t imagine the result would be so…”

“The disadvantage is that the girl refused at the beginning, and then offered her $2,000 in a tone that sounded like a gift. My friend was heartbroken by the girl. The problem lies in the first place. My friend went back to part-time and got $2,000 in 3 days. It was not regarding the money. .”

Later, the Hong Kong mother revealed to her that her daughter had apologized, and the mother and daughter reconciled following communication. The daughter also said that she had always planned to pay for the family, buy insurance for her parents, and take them on trips.

Netizen: The amount is decided by the woman herself

After seeing the post, many netizens said that they would not take the initiative to ask their children for household expenses, believing that the other party’s willingness to contribute to the household expenses is the most important. Some netizens pointed out that since the daughter does not live in the same house, it is reasonable to give her $2,000 to $3,000 for household expenses: “I would not take the initiative to ask my children for household expenses. If a girl robs the family of money because she knows she can’t bear it, it will ruin the relationship.” “If you pay $6,000 for a girl, even if you live with a girl, you will think your mother is greedy.” “If you have already moved out, I won’t want it.” He was given $6,000.”

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The median household cost is regarding 5,000 yuan

According to a survey this year, 43% of children’s monthly household expenses are 3,000 to 6,000 yuan, 24% of the respondents’ household expenses are 6,000 to 10,000 yuan, and 15% of the respondents pay 10,000 yuan to their parents every month. However, the survey found that the median level of parents’ satisfaction with their children’s arrangements for household expenses is only 6.9 points (out of 10 points), reflecting that there is a certain gap between the expectations of children and parents in making household expenses and receiving household expenses.

As for a survey conducted by the Deposit Protection Board last year among regarding 1,000 adult Hong Kong people, 70% of young people (18 to 29 years old) with full-time jobs provided household or living expenses to their parents or family members, with the average monthly amount being nearly $5,000. , nearly 80% of them said that if their income increased, they would be willing to increase their household expenses, which was regarding 30% of the new income. Regarding the reasons for providing household income, nearly 60% regard it as their own responsibility, followed by family financial needs and family requirements (15% each), and their own financial ability (11%).

40% of parents feel embarrassed for taking the initiative to ask for household expenses

Sun Life Financial Hong Kong conducted the “Raising Children for Old Age Care? Hong Kong People’s Supporting Parents Survey” in 2019, interviewing 500 working children aged 25 to 54 with a monthly income of NT$25,000 or more; and 205 children aged 55 to 69 with at least Retired parents of 1 working child. The results show that regarding 98% of the retired parents surveyed received household income, and regarding 73% of them said they received household income every month. The median amount of household income contributed by their children was regarding NT$6,000, which accounted for 24% of the labor. The survey also showed that regarding 67% of the retired parents surveyed and 73% of the working children surveyed believed that “giving money to the family is ‘natural'”, reflecting that many people still agree that taking care of their parents is their children’s responsibility.

However, the retired parents surveyed are generally not very satisfied with their children’s current arrangements for paying household expenses. On a 10-point scale, the median average satisfaction level is only 6.9 points. 17% of the retired parents surveyed are not satisfied with their children’s current arrangements for paying household expenses. Are dissatisfied with the arrangement and hope that the amount or frequency of household payments can be increased. The data also points out that the higher the amount of household income retired parents receive, the higher the level of satisfaction.

Although some retired parents (regarding 37%) are dissatisfied with the amount or frequency of payments made by their children, they are also worried regarding putting pressure on their children, or lowering their living standards due to having to pay for household expenses, and being unable to support themselves. This shows the ambivalence of parents. About 40% (39%) of parents think it is embarrassing to actively ask for household income from their children.

Parent-child financial management expert: The definition of home use lies in the heart

Regarding the age-old problem of household expenses, Lei Yuwu, a parent-child financial management expert, said in an interview with Qingbao that the definition of household expenses lies in the intention and gratitude to parents for their upbringing. “It does not matter whether the family needs it or whether the parents are waiting for the money, just like Even if your parents have no money, they will support you.” He suggested that parents should set an example and cultivate the habit of giving to their children at an early age.

He also pointed out that in the past, providing for household expenses was a matter of course. “You live at home, have an income, and should pay for basic household expenses.” This move is all out of a sense of responsibility and belonging. However, times have changed and society has become richer in material resources. Some Hong Kong parents dote on their children too much, which has created many “hand-in-hand” parties.

However, everyone’s family environment is different. Lei Yuwu pointed out that one cannot make decisions for others in one blanket. If you are a young person without a father, your monthly income is not high just following graduation. After deducting student loans, further education and other daily expenses, there is really not much left. “I believe that my parents are very fond of me.” It is recommended that the young person divide his salary into three parts, including savings. , expenses and household expenses, and train personal financial management skills.

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