Latest Weather Updates: Reduction of Rainfall in South China and Temperature Rise Nationwide

2023-10-21 01:51:00

Today (October 21), the rainfall range in South China will be further reduced, and heavy rainfall will be mainly concentrated in Hainan. In addition, as the cold air comes to an end, temperatures will rise significantly in most parts of the country starting today.

  The scope of rainfall in southern China has shrunk, and heavy rains are online in some parts of Hainan

Yesterday (October 20), Typhoon “Samba” landed on the coast of Guangdong, my country, in the morning, and “Samba” landed in Lingao, Hainan at night. The rain along the coast of South China was strong. According to live monitoring, affected by Typhoon Sanba and cold air, heavy rain or torrential rain occurred in southeastern Guangxi, western Guangxi, and the eastern coast of Hainan Island. Heavy rainstorms occurred in parts of western and southern Guangdong, and local heavy rainstorms occurred in Maoming, Yangjiang, and Zhanjiang of Guangdong. .

Last night, “Sanba” quickly weakened and dissipated, and the Central Meteorological Observatory stopped numbering it at 23:00. Today, the scope of rainfall in South China will also be further reduced, but the rainfall in Hainan Island will increase once more; tomorrow, the impact of the “Sanba” wind and rain will basically end.

Specifically, today, there will be light snow or sleet in parts of northeastern Inner Mongolia, most of Heilongjiang, northern Xinjiang, eastern Tibet, and northern Sichuan Plateau. There were moderate to heavy rains in parts of southeastern Guangxi, southwestern Guangxi, and Hainan Island. Among them, heavy rains occurred in parts of southwestern Guangxi, eastern Hainan Island, and other places.

Tomorrow, there will be light snow or sleet in parts of northern Xinjiang, eastern and northern Tibet, southern Qinghai, and the northern part of the Western Sichuan Plateau. There are moderate to heavy rains in some areas along the southeastern coast of Guangxi, southwestern Guangdong, Hainan Island and other places. Among them, there are heavy rains or heavy rains in some areas in southwestern Guangxi, northeastern Hainan Island and other places.

The day following tomorrow, there will be light to moderate snow or sleet in some areas in northern Xinjiang, northern Tibet, southern Qinghai, and northern Sichuan Plateau. Among them, there will be heavy snow in some areas in northern Xinjiang and other places. Moderate to heavy rains occurred in some areas in central Chongqing, southwestern Yunnan, Hainan Island and other places. Among them, heavy rains or heavy rains occurred in some areas in northeastern Hainan Island and other places.

The meteorological department reminded that due to the continuous heavy rainfall, the meteorological risk of small and medium-sized river floods in Nanliujiang, Beiliujiang, Jianjiang and other places will still be high today and tomorrow. The meteorological risk of local geological disasters in southeastern Guangxi and western Guangxi is still high. , the public in the above-mentioned areas should pay attention to rain and disaster prevention, and be alert to the occurrence of various secondary disasters.

  The influence of cold air is coming to an end, and temperatures are rising rapidly in North, Northeast and other places.

In terms of temperature, the impact of this cold air is coming to an end. As of 8 o’clock yesterday, the temperature in 16 provincial capital cities across the country has reached a post-autumn low. Among them, Taiyuan fell below the 0℃ mark for the first time in the second half of the year, and the lowest temperature in Shijiazhuang and Zhengzhou dropped to 0℃ for the first time. Below 10℃.

However, this cold air comes and goes quickly. Starting today, the temperature in most parts of my country will gradually rise from north to south. The warming process is expected to last 4 to 5 days, and the cumulative temperature rise will generally reach regarding 10℃. In some areas, temperatures are above 15°C.

After the temperature rises, the temperature in most areas of the country will turn higher, especially in North China and Northeast China, where the temperature will be regarding 10°C higher than the same period in normal years. For example, in Harbin, the highest temperature today was only 7°C, and will soar to around 17°C the day following tomorrow; in Changchun, the highest temperature yesterday was 7.8°C, and will rise to around 21°C on the 23rd. In the south, today, the temperature in South China will continue to fall, but starting from tomorrow, the temperature will rebound in various places. For example, around the 24th and 25th in Guangzhou, Nanning and other places, the highest daytime temperature will return to around 30℃, which is very hot. return.

In recent times, the temperature has fluctuated significantly in most parts of the country. The public also needs to pay attention to nowcast and warning information, arrange clothing appropriately according to weather changes, and beware of physical discomfort caused by cold and hot.

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