will we have to limit our electricity and gas consumption again this winter?

2023-10-20 15:22:36

Ophélie Artaud / Photo credit: Mathieu Thomasset / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP

Heating at 19 degrees maximum, risk of load shedding… Will winter 2023 also be marked by tensions on the electricity network and will we once again have to be vigilant about our energy consumption? If the winter of 2022 finally passed without a hitch, it was placed under the sign of energy sobriety. The war in Ukraine and the difficulties linked to the nuclear fleet had raised the risk of widespread power cuts.

12% energy savings over the year in France

Firstthe risk of tension seems less significant this winter, as stated Xavier Piechaczyk, chairman of the board of RTE, the electricity transmission manager. “Next winter and the following ones are looking much better, there will be more nuclear power, more renewable energy and above all, this movement towards sobriety continues,” he explained on FranceInfo. “We are not out of all the risks in the event of a big cold snap but things are looking better.”

An observation confirmed by Naïma Idir, member of the High Energy Council. “The situation is a little different compared to last winter, it is not in red like last year. The first big difference is that the prospects for nuclear production are much better than those of nuclear production. “last winter. Hydraulic stocks are at a very satisfactory level, as are gas stocks which are high in all European countries. We also managed to reduce our consumption last winter,” she explains. at the microphone of Europe 1.

Indeed, the energy sobriety plan put in place by the government last year made it possible to reduce energy consumption by 12% throughout France, announced the Ministry of Energy Transition.

Limited electrical power for 200,000 homes?

If the risk of widespread electricity cuts recedes this winter, the government has already taken the lead and is working on a decree which would limit the electrical power of 200,000 homes, via their meter Linky, for a maximum duration of 4 hours. An “important” measure for Naïma Idir: “the idea is to test an additional lever. This reduction in power allows essential uses of the home to be maintained,” explains the president of the National Association of Energy Retail Operators.

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One way to avoid load shedding, according to Naïma Idir, who fears possible tensions on the network linked to the situation in Israel. “It is better to be ready and have additional resources to respond in the event of tensions,” she says.

Heating “always at 19 degrees” this winter

Sobriety is also linked to the issue of energy transition, and the government continues tocall on the French to reduce their energy consumption. The Minister of Energy Transition Agnès Pannier-Runacher called for “continuing efforts at sobriety”. This winter, the heating must be set “always at 19 degrees”, recalled the minister.

A few days ago, the government also launched its “Every gesture counts” campaign to remind people of the rules to follow on a daily basis to save energy, which can be summed up in three words: “I lower, I turn off, I shift “. Measures in favor of the environment which aim to “establish energy sobriety over time”, underlines the Ministry of Energy Transition.

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