80% of children’s food products contain too much sugar and additives

2023-10-19 13:38:40


Video duration:
1 min

Article written by

France 2

E.Truchat, A.Fuzellier, J.Pires

France Televisions

According to a study carried out by the consumer association CLCV, 80% of children’s food products contain too much sugar and additives. The fault lies in overly permissive European regulations, according to the consumer association.

Reduceds in sugar, specially adapteds to the needs of babies or even without added sugars: there are numerous health messages on the packaging of children’s food products. And yet, most contain too much sugar and additives. Information little known to parents. Biscuits, small pots, dairy products… 80% children’s food would be affected, according to a study by the consumer association CLCV. Some contain three times more sugar than traditional products.

Tips to avoid these products

Communication is well structured. Manufacturers have the right to write these messages, because European regulations are too permissive, denounces the CLCV. The association is calling for more transparent labels or changing recipes. In the meantime, here are some tips. In particular, we can check that the ingredients are known to everyone and without additives. If sugar is at the top of the ingredient list, then the majority of the product contains it.

#childrens #food #products #sugar #additives



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