Understanding the Impact of Threat Perception on Social Behavior and Stereotypes: Insights from a Social Psychology Professor

2023-10-19 16:40:45

This attack facilitated a certain vision of the world. Finally, we wear glasses that lead us to see the world more from the perspective of threatanalyzes ULB social psychology professor Olivier Klein. We interpret the things around us according to this reading grid. […] We will interpret reality from the angle of danger, of threat, much more easily. Studies show that being in this state of mind can lead to overestimating the danger of completely harmless things.“.

Links are sometimes even made with social stereotypes. “Studies in the United States show that there is a tendency to imagine a weapon in the hands of a black person than a white person.c”, adds Olivier Klein.

To return to this Wednesday punctuated by a real fake bomb threat and multiple incidents on public transport, it is not a question of blaming or judging the people who experienced them. This type of reaction is natural following an event such as an attack, adds the professor of social psychology.

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