Doctors Munafó and Maestu inaugurated a new private comprehensive hip and knee clinic

2023-10-19 06:50:00

In 2001, in the midst of the social and economic crisis, Drs. Ricardo Munafo y Rodrigo Maestu They created the Center for the Study and Treatment of Joint Diseases (CETEA). Now, 22 years later and in a complex context, they inaugurated the Hip and Knee Clinicdedicated to the treatment of pathologies of these joints in a comprehensive manner.

The clinic, located on the 10th floor of Av. Gral. Las Heras 3341 in the City of Buenos Aires, in front of Las Heras Park, specializes in the prevention and treatment of degenerative pathologies (osteoarthritis) and sports injuries focused on hip and knee with lower limb support, as foot specialists, and is a novelty in the private environment.

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It also has treatments for pathologies of the abdominal wall of athletessuch as pubalgia and inguinal hernias, and a pain medicine treatment team.

“Associated with that we added a team of biological therapy treatmentthat is, plasma rich in platelets and stem cells, although it has not yet been proven that they are effective, perhaps later they will be,” explains Dr. Munafó, who directs the Hip and Knee Surgery Center of the Trinity Sanatorium Palermo, along with Drs. Maestu and Ricardo Santiago.

The Drs. Ricardo Munafó and Rodrigo Maestu.
Inauguration of the Hip and Knee Clinic Dr. Munafó / Dr. Maestu 20231018
Inauguration of the Hip and Knee Clinic.

For his part, Maestu, an arthroscopist at prominent institutions such as La Trinidad de Palermo and San Isidro and the Agote Sanatorium, clarifies that the clinic is “a continuation of the work of joint replacements to give the patient not only surgery, but also a previous support for herwith rehabilitation and biomechanical studies, and a postnext to information regarding replacements and their evolution”.

The place is equipped with bathrooms, different offices and health boxes. physical therapy, osteopathy and a conditioned gym, among other areas. The professional team is trained to apply comprehensive programs aimed at the treatment of this type of pathology from a multidisciplinary perspective.

Most recurrent pathologies

“The most frequent thing that we see is divided into two parts: what we call ‘the athlete’, the pathology of the young adult, and the pathology of the elderly,” said Dr. Munafó.

“The athlete particularly suffers from what are called injuries of the hip labrum -crown where the head of the femur is installed- and injuries of the menisci and ligaments in knees“, he specified. “The hip has something different from the knee, and that is that these pathologies can be detected in time.”

Inauguration of the Hip and Knee Clinic Dr. Munafó / Dr. Maestu 20231018
Inauguration of the Hip and Knee Clinic.

As an example, he appealed to tennis, a sport he practices, and commented that if one detects morphological hip disorders in time, one can prevent a professional athlete from leaving the activity due to this type of problem. “If you you catch it at 16 years old and you treat these pathologies with arthroscopy, which is a minimally invasive surgery, you avoid having to stop at the age of 30, when you reach the top.”

One of them is the Scotsman Andy Murray, which in 2016 became number 1 in the ATP ranking. Two years later he underwent his first surgery hip and later returned to an operating room for reconstruction of the area, in which a joint was removed and replaced with an implant.

Inauguration of the Hip and Knee Clinic Dr. Munafó / Dr. Maestu 20231018
Dr. Ricardo Munafó.
Inauguration of the Hip and Knee Clinic Dr. Munafó / Dr. Maestu 20231018
Inauguration of the Hip and Knee Clinic.

Asked if a professional athlete and an amateur athlete once once more have the same physical capacity facing a hip operation or following a knee injury, Munafó maintained that, due to the demands and little rest between games, it is likely that the professional will not achieve it at such a high level, but for a common person”can perfectly return to practicing any sport“following a good rehabilitation.

“I’ve operated on golfers, cyclists, even people who climb mountains. That’s a myth that needs to be broken., because before with the hip replacement they told you ‘forget regarding doing sports’. Then the patient wondered why he should have surgery. “Today you operate on someone and with reasonable times they go back to playing sports without problems,” he said.


In 2021, Munafó was in charge of bringing to the country a robot for hip and knee surgeries at the Sanatorio de la Trinidad in Palermo, which helps improve the doctor’s performance with greater accuracy in operations so that, consequently, the patient has a quick and safe recovery.

“We are the first, together with the Italian Hospital, to have a robot in Argentina. Today the robots are beginning to slow down in their growth and what they are using the most and what we are going to have next year is the virtual reality with artificial intelligence“said the surgeon.

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Although the robot plays a fundamental role in planning the surgery and executing the cuts necessary for the placement of the prosthetic components, it is the expert surgeon who supervises and directs it in all its movements.

Then, he explained how the new technology works: “You operate with a helmet, you have two screens and following tracking the anatomical areas, the screen tells you what you have to do and you directly execute what the artificial intelligence tells you.”

“Unfortunately the context of the country does not allow us to bring it now, but next year we will have it“he concluded.


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