Diablo 4 Reviews on Steam: Unveiling Player Opinions and Critiques of Blizzard’s Game and Policies

2023-10-18 17:58:37

With the release on Steam, players had the opportunity to speak out regarding the state of Diablo 4 and Blizzard, which they were not able to do on the sidelines of the Battle.net service. The result is predictable. Diablo 4 was recently released on Steam. Valve’s service allows you to leave reviews, which newcomers took advantage of; buyers from Battle.net also took the game and left a valuable opinion. Many people do not like the policies of modern Blizzard, which is reflected in the reviews of Diablo 4 on Steam , they are mixed (at the time of publication, a little more than 50% are positive, and even in the positive ones there is sometimes criticism). The developers are criticized not only for the development of the game service, but also for many other grievances. Some people began to use Diablo 4 reviews on Steam as an platform, for example, they advise buying Baldur’s Gate 3. After publishing a review on Steam, no one is stopping the authors from returning the money for Diablo 4
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