Elections in Córdoba: the interurban bus will be free to go to vote on Sunday

2023-10-18 20:55:44

For the elections to this president Sunday October 22the Secretary of Transportation of the Province of Córdoba ordered that the interurban buses are free to facilitate the mobility of people participating in the elections.

This measure will spread also in case of a possible second round of elections. Both the voters like the table authoritieswhether they are regular or alternate presidents, may make use of this provision.

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Necessary documentation

To access this free transportation, you must present to the corresponding company transport the following documentation:

Voters. They must present their DAYS containing the address updated when requesting the one way ticket For the return ticketit will be necessary to show the proof of voting provided by the voting table.

table authorities. They must present the DAYS together with official communication of designationboth when requesting the outward and return ticket.

Each provincial interurban transportation unit will reserve up to 50% of its capacity for the free transportation of voters and polling station authorities.

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Limitations according to the kilometers to be traveled

As for the distances to cover For the transportation of voters and polling station authorities, the following will apply: provisions:

  • – For distances of up to 250 kilometersfree transportation will be available only on October 22, 2023from midnight to midnight.

  • – For distances greater than 250 kilometersfree transportation will be available from midnight on Saturday the 21st to midnight on Sunday the 22nd October 2023.

#Elections #Córdoba #interurban #bus #free #vote #Sunday



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