Does it itch when you run? Here’s why and how to avoid it!

2023-10-18 16:09:33

Runner’s itch is a phenomenon benignbut particularly unpleasant.

Its causes can be multiple: resuming running, allergic reaction, dry skin, irritation due to friction from clothing, perspiration, etc.

By identifying the origin of the problemhowever, it is possible to resolve it quickly.

Before you think regarding stopping running to stop itching, here is why you scratch when you run and what are the solutions to this problem.

Runner’s itch: what is stress urticaria?

Runner’s itch is a phenomenon known in medicine asexertional urticaria or cholinergic urticaria.

It manifests itself as tingling or itching and can be accompanied by small patches and lesions.

Runner’s itch is explained by an increase in histamine secretion by mast cells, cells in the body “excited” by exercise.

The causes of this allergic reaction, however, remain multiple and sometimes unknown, although heat and sweat excessive are among the most common explanations.

Furthermore, stress urticaria mainly affects the new runners and athletes following a long break.

What causes runner’s itch?

You have just (re)started running

In athletes who are beginners or returning to running, the cardiovascular system is not optimized to provide the required effort.

The return to running will be accompanied by a capillary dilationwhich will then stimulate the nerve endings.

Result: itching may appear in the legs.

Likewise, if you don’t run or haven’t run for a long time, your body will tend to heat up more quickly.

In sweating more and fasterthe probability of being affected by stress urticaria increases.

In this case, the phenomenon generally passes following a few weeks of training.

You sweat a lot

The transpiration is a natural phenomenon essential for refreshing the skin.

In some people, however, it can cause skin irritation, especially when the weather is hot and humid.

Likewise, the repeated rubbing of wet clothes once morest the skin can cause discomfort and end up creating an allergic reaction.

This phenomenon is even more present among runners whose dermis is already damaged (sunburn, eczema, psoriasis, etc.).

Also Read: Secrets of Sweat in Athletes: 9 Surprising Facts You Need to Know About Your Sweating

You have dry skin during winter

Falling temperatures and dry skin are very often linked.

If you are used to running in winter, cold and windy climate can also harm your dry skin and cause itching.

This phenomenon can be reinforced by running tights.

You are allergic to the fabric of your running clothes

Runner’s itch can also be caused by a allergic reaction to technical clothing textiles.

Synthetic materials and cotton are sometimes poorly tolerated by sweaty skin.

Other causes of stress urticaria

If the four causes explained above are the most common explanations for stress urticaria, other risk factors have been identified:

Medication prescription for chronic illnesses or hypertension;
Person already prone to hives ;
Skin disease : eczema, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, etc.
Allergies : food (tomatoes, strawberries, shellfish in particular which stimulate histamine production), atmospheric (grass pollen), cosmetics, laundry, household linens, etc.

Identify the cause

In case of stress urticaria, you must first try to determine the cause.

Since there are many potential explanations, you will probably need to perform several tests before identifying the origin of the problem: change of clothes, hydration of the skin, allergy assessment, etc.

Adopt the right actions

Once the cause is determined, you can then act accordingly:

Itching caused by lack of physical exercise : approach training gradually in order to accustom the body to the effort; Itching caused by transpiration : wear loose clothing, bring a change of clothes to change mid-race if necessary; Itching caused by allergy textile : wash your clothes with hypoallergenic detergent, or even abandon synthetics and cotton in favor of plant fibers; Itching caused by dry skin in winter : moisturize the skin with a special cream before and following a running session.

Nutrition and hydration

To prevent skin problems, it is essential to drink enough during your run, but also throughout the day.

This will allow your skin to be sufficiently hydrated and stay healthy.

Likewise, diet has a direct impact on the body’s proper hydration. In particular, avoid eating too salty.

Indeed, salt tends to dry out the skin. Likewise, sugary foods and alcohol should be consumed in moderation.

Home remedies

While waiting to identify the cause of the hives, the itching and tingling can be relieved with the following tips:

Hot bath ;
Applying ice on the areas concerned; Port support stockings.

What regarding antihistamines?

Antihistamine-type medications combat the effects of histamine, which causes the allergic reaction.

So they can show themselves effective in relieving symptomsbut will have no effect on the cause of the hives.

However, you can use them tosoothe itching while waiting to identify the phenomenon responsible for your itching.

Should you stop running if you have itching?

Hives are an unpleasant phenomenon, but not serious. You can therefore continue your physical activity without endangering your health..

On the contrary. Since itching is often due to a weakness in the cardiovascular system, continuing to run will generally allow the phenomenon to fade on its own.

However, if the hives persist and/or worsen despite the implementation of solutions, we advise you to consult a doctor.

The latter will help you identify the cause of the phenomenon and will inform you regarding the right actions to adopt.

Updated by Manon on: 10/18/2023
#itch #run #Heres #avoid



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