Lower Austrian Daycare Contribution: Affordable Childcare for Parents with Childminders

2023-10-18 13:58:57

Almost 1,700 children in Lower Austria are looked following by childminders, especially those under the age of two. Previously, you had to cover the costs of private childcare yourself. The state now supports childminders with the “Lower Austrian daycare contribution” of 3.75 euros.

This funding applies to hours of care actually provided, namely for children up to their third birthday for morning care from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. and for children not yet of school age from their third birthday in the off-peak times of 6 a.m. to 8 a.m. and/or from 4 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Parents pay a maximum of 1.25 euros per hour of care

Childminders are an important addition to kindergartens and an essential component for nationwide childcare, emphasized State Education Councilor Christiane Teschl-Hofmeister (ÖVP) at a press conference on Wednesday. The new state contribution would reduce the costs for parents to a maximum of 1.25 euros per hour of care during the subsidized periods, says Teschl-Hofmeister: “The point is that it will be noticeably and noticeably cheaper for the parents if they are next to them institutional care for childminders in Lower Austria.”

In times of rising prices, this is a further significant relief in order to maintain freedom of choice and to achieve the compatibility of work and family, said Teschl. The state of Lower Austria will provide five million euros for this support.

There are currently almost 350 childminders in Lower Austria, and the number is rising. Childminders have had a high priority in childcare in the state of Lower Austria for many years, said Teschl-Hofmeister, who also emphasized: “They offer a family-supporting, flexible and individual care offer, especially for small children, and make an important contribution to off-day care.”

Praise from organizations

Furthermore, the childminder legal entities receive a monthly subsidy. Caritas of the Diocese of St. Pölten and the Lower Austria Relief Organization praised the new regulation as an important step for childcare. Caritas director Hannes Ziselsberger said: “In the social counseling centers there is often contact with women who are at risk of poverty, have care responsibilities and who can break out of poverty by taking up work. Here too, good childcare is often a prerequisite for being able to be active yourself.”

Michaela Hinterholzer, President of the Lower Austria Relief Organization, said: “There are 60 childcare facilities operating throughout Lower Austria. The childminders and childminders are also a very important pillar at the Lower Austrian relief organization.” The relief organization wants to train even more childminders, says Hinterholzer, she hopes that “through this additional funding we will also get additional childminders, because the demand is there – the parents want it, the parents need it.”

Should apply retroactively to September 1st

The new funding guidelines will be presented for resolution at the upcoming government meeting on October 24th and will come into force retroactively from September 1st. When asked, the childminders can then apply for funding online.

#funding #childminders #noe.ORF.at



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