Miraculous Reunion After 25 Years: Lost Son Finally Finds His Parents in Wuhan, China

2023-10-18 07:10:58

A man in Wuhan, Hubei, China, who was lost when he was 3 years old, was finally reunited with his parents following 25 years. (Picture/reproduced from Weibo)

There are frequent incidents of children disappearing or being abducted, and very few of them can return home safely. There is a man in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China who was lost when he was a child. He was finally reunited with his parents 25 years later. When he learned that his parents had not given up searching all these years and even offered a reward of 1 million yuan (approximately NT$4.4 million), he cried and cried: “Too It’s a waste, I’m not worth the price.”

According to “Jiupai News”, the man Chen Hao was lost in Wuhan when he was 3 years old. After his disappearance, he was adopted by well-wishers in Jiangxi and lived an ordinary life with his adoptive family. However, his adoptive father died when he was in the second year of junior high school and he had no relatives to pay for the tuition. , he had no choice but to drop out of school. When he was 17 years old, he followed his brother-in-law to Wuhan and became a plumber. I originally thought that my life would be settled from now on, but I never expected that I would be able to reunite with my biological parents one day.

Chen Hao thought his life would be like this, and he never expected to see his parents once more. (Picture/reproduced from Weibo)

In the past 25 years, my mother has offered a million-dollar reward and traveled almost all over China to find Chen Hao. In addition, she was diagnosed with lung cancer last year. She was afraid that she would never see her child once more in her lifetime, so she searched desperately. Unexpectedly, her son They are close at hand, because they came to Wuhan to work 10 years ago, and the mother and son are in the same city.

After Chen Hao met his parents, he was deeply moved when he learned that his mother had offered a large reward to find him. He believes that asking him for 1 million yuan is too wasteful and he is not worth the price. All this is like a beautiful dream to him, and he is afraid that he will wake up at any time.

After the news was exposed, netizens were greatly moved. They bluntly said that for parents, the safety of their children is the most important thing. “Silly boy, 1 million is not expensive. Children are always priceless to their parents.” Not as important as the cub.”

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