Solar energy generation could generate R$2.2 trillion by 2050

2023-10-17 20:51:21

Recent study carried out by Portal Solar estimated the financial movement generated by the national solar energy market until 2050. Cross-referencing official data and projections from sectoral entities, government bodies and international institutes, the franchisor of photovoltaic projects estimates that the demand for photovoltaic energy in Brazil will move around R$2.2 trillion by the year 2050.

This extra demand would be generated mainly by the electrification of the vehicle fleet and the production of green hydrogen, activities that also depend on investment in photovoltaic energy. It is estimated that it will be necessary to add 540 GW in photovoltaic systems over the next three decades, to meet the economy’s decarbonization efforts.

Also according to the study, the electrification of the vehicle fleet would create an additional demand of 403 terawatt-hours per year, a value that is almost the total capacity of the current National Interconnected System for generating electrical energy. For comparison, five new Itaipu hydroelectric plants would be needed if this amount of energy were not generated by taking advantage of the country’s photovoltaic capacity.

“The electrification of transport is a fundamental step towards a more sustainable future, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting the transition to clean energy sources”, says Rosane Roverelli, General Manager of Advantech Brasil Ltda, a company specialized in industrial automation. “The integration of electric vehicles into the energy grid opens the door to greater use of renewable sources, such as solar energy, to supply this growing demand.”

O latest Monthly Energy Bulletin, carried out by the Ministry of Mines and Energy, highlighted the growth in the use of solar energy in Brazil. The report, with data accumulated until May this year, showed a 69% growth in centralized solar energy generation, compared to the same period of the previous year.

Growth trend

Roverelli believes that this growth trend will continue. “Brazil has immense potential for solar energy generation, with an abundance of natural resources. Furthermore, awareness of the importance of sustainability and the need to reduce the carbon footprint is growing rapidly across the world,” he explains. She also adds that energy storage technologies are constantly evolving, which makes green energy generation an increasingly attractive and affordable choice.

In the May Energy Bulletin, the accumulated data has already made it possible to identify a “more renewable internal energy supply in 2023”. Renewable energy generation increased from 47.4% in 2022 to 49.2% in 2023 of the total energy generated in the country. While the supply of energy from burning oil decreased from 35.7% to 34.8%, that of solar energy grew from 1.2% to 1.7%. These numbers, while already showing a growth trend, also indicate room for further expansion.

“We have great solar potential, vast areas of available land and expertise in renewable energy. Furthermore, the Brazilian government has shown interest in promoting renewable energy and the electrification of transport”, recalls Roverelli. She warns, however, that to fully take advantage of all this potential, it is necessary to maintain the pace of investments in infrastructure, tax reform and technology research.

“It is a rewarding effort in the long term: it is a paradigm shift that benefits not only the environment, but also the economy and society as a whole, towards a sustainable future”, concludes Roverelli.

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