Mysterious Disappearance Resolved: 30 Years Later, Missing Man Found Living Under New Identity

2023-10-17 18:45:59

He had differences with his wife Nelci and disappeared.

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In the Argentine city of Comodoro Rivadavia, a man disappeared without a trace 30 years ago. Now he showed up because the police were looking through old files.

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30 years ago, Adolfo Enrique Sandoval Farias left the house with the words “Honey, I’m going to buy cigarettes” and never returned. Because technologies have developed, a policewoman discovered the man using fingerprints. The reason for his departure was one Argument with his wife.

In 1993, Adolfo Enrique Sandoval Farias, then 32, left his house to buy cigarettes and never returned. The Argentine from Comodoro Rivadavia disappeared without a trace. This writes “Page 12”.

When he never returned, his wife Nelci reported him missing, but authorities were never able to find any trace of him. For 30 years the story remained mysterious, until recently, when Chubut provincial police received crucial information regarding his whereregardings.

“I had an argument with Nelci, got tired and left.”

Surprisingly, Farias was found in the same city where he disappeared. Adolfo had lived under a different identity all these years and never sought contact with other members of his family.

His explanation for his long absence was: “I had an argument with Nelci, got tired and left.”

Nelci, the woman who reported him missing, died several years ago.

He confirmed that he was the person they were looking for

His identity was confirmed by taking fingerprints. The police officer assigned to the case, Daniela Millatruz, explained that they had been going through old files to solve the mystery. Using improved systems, they eventually found an address that matched his first and last name.

When they confronted Farias with newspaper articles regarding his disappearance, he confirmed that he was the person they were looking for.

#Honey #buy #cigarettes #Missing #man #years



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