Embracing True Values: Pope Francis Urges Countries to Overcome Fear in Interview with Argentinian News Agency ‘Telami’

2023-10-17 12:36:51

“We should not be afraid of coming out with the right values ​​of a country”, he underlined in an interview given to the Argentinian news agency ‘Télam’.

Fr. Jinu Jacob, Vatican City

Pope Francis gave an interview to Argentine news agency ‘Telami’ on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of his pastoral ministry near Peter, where many happy and painful events are taking place in the Church and the world.

Global crises, wars, Synod, and the importance of hope were all topics of the Pope’s speech. The Pope shared the misery of the war with great concern and distress and highlighted the exploitations arising out of the war and the politically motivated regional controls.

The Pope pointed out that crises are essential to our success in life and the need to teach the younger generation to solve them. Papa added that maturity in life is achieved when one moves forward by overcoming crises.

When asked what is humanity’s greatest crisis, the Pope said it is the fear of expressing true values. So a country should not be afraid of anyone to bring out its true and good values. The Pope said that we should maintain the balance of human harmony, just like the three organs of human languages, the head, the heart and the hands, are connected to each other.

The Pope also highlighted the exploitation of workplaces that give dignity to human life. Pope Francis said that exploiting people is a great sin and that workers are never slaves.

In this age of artificial intelligence, the importance of the human person should not be underestimated, the Pope reiterated. The Pope called on everyone to accelerate the dialogue with others by developing awareness of their own personality, and thus join the progress of the society. The Pope said that the Church is universal, and that is why he speaks of universal dialogue and universal unity. He pointed out that the enemy of this is war.

The Pope expressed his hope that the synod held in the Church will give a message of unity, so that everyone can come together. Therefore, the Pope calls on everyone to walk forward in hope. When asked if he is interested in going to Argentina, he replied that he is.

#life #Church #universal #Pope #Francis #Vatican #News



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