2023-10-17 05:00:00
Written by: Amani Samir Tuesday, October 17, 2023 08:00 AM
Many of us dream of owning one car From the country of origin, whatever its type, whether from Europe or another country, at a price lower than the local price, so Youm7 presents a set of steps for purchasing a car from abroad safely so that you are not exposed to any cases of fraud by some individuals or fictitious companies.
Indeed, there is personal import, but under conditions that the next person must know import From one of the European Union countries or another, so the buyer must have residency in Germany if importing from this country. German companies do not sell to foreigners in order to protect their agents. As for the rest Europe Union You do not need to have a residency permit, and the car must be received by its owner directly and not through an intermediary. It must also be more than 100 years old. Car manufacturing The vehicle must be imported for a period of 6 months, and you must be the first owner of the car.
This process saves large sums of money on the car’s price Imported from abroadThis is evident through the agent’s profit, retail showrooms, commissions, etc., in addition to the fact that the German or European preparation of cars in general differs from the preparation of cars that are manufactured specifically for the Middle East.
Here are the 7 steps that must be followed to complete the personal car import process:
First: Open a documentary credit in the bank, send the credit to the seller in Europe, then reserve the car from the factory and pay the deposit. The car must be “Zero” model year, except for cars for people with special needs.
Second: Determine the car’s accessories if one wants to add them. There are factories that calculate the car and calculate the accessories at various prices.
Third: The company draws up a contract and sets a date for receiving the car, and they are distinguished by their accuracy in receiving dates. The car purchase invoice must be available with the shipping price, an itinerary must be provided from the shipping agency, and a copy of the card for the buyer.
Fourth: Paper procedures must be prepared and consist of a “Euro 1 certificate,” which is a certificate of origin and exemption stating that the car was originated from a European Union country. According to this certificate, it obtains exemption from customs and is issued by the country that exported the car and stamped with the state’s seal.
Fifth: The Euro-One certificate must include the full chassis number, the name of the person concerned, and the weight of the car. The fingerprint of the chassis and engine must also be obtained to examine the car to ensure its final release following confirming the fingerprint of the chassis and engine.
Sixth: One of the ports must be reserved, following which a bill of lading is issued. Once the car leaves the port, its owner can sell it without conditions.
The stage of shipping the car comes, as there are different types of shipping. First: normal shipping on the deck of the boat costs regarding 600 euros, and this is the least safe for the car. As for “VIP” shipping, there is insurance once morest any type of accident, whether theft or an accident while it is being loaded on the boat or unloaded, and the cost of this is regarding 1000 euros, and the insurance compensation will be very good.
As for shipping the container and its cost, it ranges approximately between 1000 and 1500 euros, knowing that the cost varies from one country to another and from port to port. The cost of shipping from Italy is different from the cost of shipping from Germany, in addition to the difference in the delivery period. For example, shipping from Germany specifically from Hamburg 15 days to reach Alexandria port.
Seventh: Cars are exempt from the import tax, but a development fee, value-added tax, and schedule tax are collected. The car pays the customs value that is paid on cars in the case of personal import. The car is shipped, whether by its owner or the company he deals with, from Europe to a port specified by him. In Egypt, when the car arrives in Egypt, customs are paid on it at a value varying according to the engine capacity as follows:
From 1000 to 1600 cc 18% customs
Less than 1000 cc 15%
From 1600 to 2000 cc 34%
above 2000 cc 51.5%
Where individuals and companies pay the same amounts mentioned at the port through a customs extract to complete all the papers, and regarding the price difference in the factories themselves, wholesale selling is different from selling to individuals, as companies get a 12% discount on the price of the car that individuals do not get, and despite this, there is a price difference. It is significant for the individual if he imports the car himself, in addition to the quality of the car itself, and following entering it must include providing a warranty and power of attorney from the manufacturer, and finally sending the papers to pass for licensing.
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