until midnight the controls will be in Neuquén

2023-10-16 23:14:31

On the routes of Neuquén, there is a large presence of vehicles due to the return of tourists after the long weekend in October. From the Police they communicated How are the roads located at these times and until what time will the operations last?

Commissioner Héctor Pérez said that Between 100 and 150 vehicles per hour have been registered on Route 22, near Báscula, in Senillosa. It is expected that this number will increase after 8 p.m., taking into account the movement that was registered towards mountain destinations, during the beginning of the long weekend.

He told Diario RÍO NEGRO that this Monday The number of groups that were observed drew attention, and linked it to the completion of the Meeting of Women and Dissidents that took place in Bariloche.

Pérez reported that there are permanent positions in Arroyito, Senillosa and Plottier. Also in Neuquén, near the casino and the airport. Also, on Route 7, in the Industrial Park and in Centenario.

Pérez said that until 7 p.m., no road accidents had been recorded in the Confluencia area, during the tourists’ return home.

The controls They will last until midnight.

Operations on routes to return home

The provincial Road Safety Directorate is carrying out the return operation throughout this Monday, accompanied by the Police, accompaniment and prevention of road incidentsafter the long weekend that ends today.

The Undersecretary of Security, Lucas Gómez, indicated that there was a lot of movement throughout the province with different tourist activities, which generated a significant vehicular load on routes. “Approximately 15,000 visitors were mobilized, with a significant level of reserves in the north of 85%; in Aluminé it reached 90%, and the southern zone, between 70%, 80% reserve, where we saw a significant overload on Route 237 due to the Women’s Meeting in Bariloche”Gómez explained.

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The official also said that collaboration was provided with mechanical assistance at different points, and in some few oversights.

Today preventive activity is reinforced in the most complex schedules. It began at mid-morning in the mountain area and will continue until the central area, in Las Lajas, Zapala and Piedra del Águila. In the afternoon and night it focuses from Villa El Chocón and towards Neuquén.

They ask motorists to be careful. That the maximum speeds be respected, do not make improper overtakes, use the seat belt and appropriate child restraint systems, and do not drive if you have drunk alcohol.

#midnight #controls #Neuquén

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