Breathe Away the Pounds: The Revolutionary Japanese Method for Weight Loss

2023-10-16 19:06:43

Breathe to lose weight. This is the promise of this Japanese method whose results have been scientifically proven. Inhale, exhale and say goodbye to excess pounds.

A surprising approach to weight loss has recently captivated the attention of the health and wellness world. It highlights a fundamental element often overlooked in our quest for fitness: breathing. This revolutionary method promises spectacular results, with testimonials from people claiming to have lost up to 13 kilograms in the space of six weeks.

Breathe to expel fat

This technique, popularized by Japanese actor Miki Ryosuke, has the intriguing name “long breathing regimen.” It has been studied by scientists and the results, published in 2010, were astounding. They reveal the crucial role of oxygen in the breakdown of fats.

When air enters our lungs, an alchemy takes place. The fat molecules come into contact with oxygen and a transformation takes place, a chemical reaction that changes the situation. Fat metamorphoses into carbon dioxide, expelled during exhalation, and into water, eliminated by our bodily fluids (sweat, urine).

Now, to engage in this practice of the “Long Breath Diet”, there is no need for complex skills or sophisticated equipment. The method is accessible to everyone. Simply stand with your arms stretched toward the sky, place one foot in front of the other, and gently shift your weight backwards. Start by inhaling deeply through your nose for three seconds, then release the air forcefully through your mouth for seven seconds.

It is during this exhalation phase that the abdominal muscles contract and the arms gently lower. A simple exercise, but surprisingly effective. Practiced regularly, it promises impressive results, at your own pace and according to your needs.

How many pounds can you lose?

Japanese actor Miki Ryosuke explains that he lost 13 kilos and 12 cm in waist size in just 6 weeks. Obese people who participated in the study in question showed a significant loss of body fat following performing the Long Breath Diet exercise for a month. “Breathing exercise has been shown to be effective for weight loss in obesity, probably by regulating the nervous system and hormone secretion,” can we read in this analysis carried out by the Japanese.

Some points of vigilance should be highlighted

The Long Breath Diet is not suitable for people suffering from heart and respiratory problems, such as asthma. Do not hesitate to seek the advice of a doctor before trying this slimming method. Finally, note that a balanced diet and regular exercise are necessary in addition to this technique to lose weight effectively.
#lose #weight #simply #breathe #Demonstration



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