Adie: Empowering Entrepreneurs in Bordeaux’s North Districts

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2023-10-16 14:32:36

Some are thinking of launching an African hairdressing, tattooing, mobile catering or even digital consulting business. These residents of the north of Bordeaux set foot on the door of the Association for the Right to Economic Initiative (Adie) in order to assess the possibility of a financial boost. The structure offers…

Some are thinking of launching an African hairdressing, tattooing, mobile catering or even digital consulting business. These residents of the north of Bordeaux set foot on the door of the Association for the Right to Economic Initiative (Adie) in order to assess the possibility of a financial boost. The structure notably offers microcredits of a few thousand euros, sometimes necessary for the start-up or successful running of a very young company. It is particularly aimed at people in precarious situations (job seekers or RSA beneficiaries) wishing to launch into entrepreneurship. “We intervene when the banks do not,” summarizes Thomas Tignon, territorial director of Adie in Gironde.

After Talence and Lormont, the association is opening a third agency, investing in the Grand-Parc in order to reach out to neighboring districts, such as Les Aubiers or Bacalan. Sign that activity is sustained. “Successive crises have had no impact on the desire to undertake,” underlines Thomas Tignon. The number of business creators continues to grow. » Last year in Gironde, 543 companies were helped and already 417 for the current financial year with an average loan of 6,000 euros and which cannot exceed 12,000 euros. If an application is accepted, funds can be disbursed within seven days.

“Living spaces”

The installation at the Grand-Parc (at 4, rue Jean-Artus), with the social landlord Aquitanis, was not settled on a roll of the dice and has been in preparation for two years. It targets a popular area, where the unemployment rate (22%) far exceeds the national average and much higher than that of Bordeaux. “We have settled in a neighborhood where we can meet the needs of residents,” continues the territorial director of Adie. The goal is not to open agencies everywhere but to offer our audiences living spaces. » To do this, in addition to microcredit, Adie offers its members training and individualized advice. In addition to three advisors, the new Bordeaux agency has around ten volunteers responsible for supporting these missions.

“Successive crises have had no impact on the desire to undertake”

Adie has many great stories. In Talence, an example among others, it allowed Latifa’s first purchases : a parasol and a stall for this woman from Morocco to sell couscous and tagine in some Talençais markets. A second microcredit later and the cook, whose products are very popular, is now the owner of a business under the Halles de Talence.

A bonus of 1,000 euros

For young business creators (aged 30 and under), Adie can pay a non-refundable bonus of 1,000 euros, in addition to subscribing to a microcredit of at least 2,000 euros. This financial assistance, with support from the State, is subject to access conditions. Information regarding or on 09 69 32 81 10.

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