The Skin of My Friends: A Photography Exhibition Exploring Body Image and Beauty Standards

2023-10-16 11:00:00

Lea Kunz questions the human body through photography. The resident of Pommerats has been presenting her work since October 8 and until November 19 at the Café du Soleil in Saignelégier. Through 30 photos, the exhibition entitled “The skin of my friends” reveals Taignonne’s personal vision of the beauty of the body. “The idea is to invent a new body language to encourage reflection and a certain open-mindedness. With social networks in particular, we create an image of beauty standards that is completely false,” indicates the artist. This is the first time that the 32-year-old photographer has exhibited her works in her region of origin and the The experience is somewhat unsettling. “It’s more difficult to expose where people know me and know my models who are sometimes people from my family and essentially friends,” notes Lea Kunz, still appreciating this loss of anonymity.

La Taignonne had to think regarding the distribution of her photos between the three areas of the exhibition. Particularly at the restaurant level. “This part is visible to a wide audience and I did not want to impose images that might be too appealing. I chose softer and calmer shots compared to the other pieces.” The photographs taken by Lea Kunz were immortalized in natural mountain environments. “I decided to make an Ode to the Franches-Montagnes to transcribe this spirit of freedom sought throughout my work.” /nmy

#beauty #human #body #lens #Lea #Kunz



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