New Swine Influenza Genetic Diagnostic Kit Obtains Official Product Approval

2023-10-16 01:35:23

[축산신문 김영길 기자]

The swine influenza genetic diagnostic kit improved through joint industry research between the Virus Disease Division and Disease Diagnosis Division of the Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Quarantine Headquarters (Director Kim Jeong-hee) and Median Diagnostics Co., Ltd. obtained official product approval on the 11th.
Swine influenza, especially new influenza A (H1N1 subtype), a type 2 livestock infectious disease and zoonotic disease, occurred worldwide, including in Korea, in 2009 and killed 19,000 people over 14 months.
Existing diagnostic kits might only detect swine influenza and new influenza A (H1N1 subtype), a type 2 livestock infectious disease. It was developed in 2010 as a reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) kit.
This improved diagnostic kit can differentiate between the three subtypes prevalent in Korea (H1N1, H1N2, and H3N2) and even diagnose Eurasian avian-like H1N1 genotype 4, which has been reported as the dominant species in China since 2016 and is a concern regarding its introduction into the country. This is a real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (real-time RT-PCR) kit.
Hyun Bang-hoon, head of the Virus Disease Division and Koo Bok-gyeong, head of the Disease Diagnosis Division at the Quarantine Headquarters, said, “With the commercialization of this diagnostic kit, we expect to improve the hygiene of farms as well as the productivity of pig farms by preventing pig respiratory diseases.”

Livestock newspaper, CHUKSANNEWS

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