President Gustavo Petro Stands for Peace in Gaza: Colombia’s Reaction to the Israeli Occupation

2023-10-16 01:00:56

President Gustavo Petro, on Sunday night, welcomed a statement by his American counterpart Joe Biden in which he warned Israel that occupying Gaza “would be a mistake.”

(You can read: ‘If we have to suspend foreign relations with Israel, we suspend them’: Petro)

Faced with this position, the Colombian president said: “The US and Colombia are increasingly coming together in these terrible circumstances. Of course it is a mistake to occupy Gaza, but the US government has the power to stop the massacre.”

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He stated that if the United States acts, “the whole world will pressure Hamas to release the Israeli hostages and the whole world will press for a peace agreement that allows two free states: Israel and Palestine.”

This week, the United States special envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism, Deborah Lipstadt, rejected the statements that President Gustavo Petro made on October 9 regarding Israel and the conflict in Gaza.

“I was already in the Auschwitz concentration camp and now I see it copied in Gaza,” the President had said last Monday, in X, reacting to a publication regarding his exchange with the Israeli ambassador in Colombia.

The same day, minutes before, the president had written, in reaction to the order given by Israel’s Defense Minister, Yoav Galant, regarding electricity and other services in Gaza: “This is what the Nazis said regarding the Jews. Democratic peoples cannot allow Nazism to reestablish itself in international politics. Israelis and Palestinians are human beings subject to international law. “If this hate speech continues, it will only bring a holocaust.”

In this regard, this Thursday, Deborah Lisptadt pointed out, in English, on the same social network: “We were surprised to see Colombian President Gustavo Petro compare the Israeli Government with Hitler’s genocidal regime. “We strongly condemn President Petro’s statements and call on him to condemn Hamas, a designated terrorist organization, for its barbaric murder of Israeli men, women and children.”

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Earlier this Sunday, President Gustavo Petro, on the other hand, toughened his stance towards Israel and assured that “if we have to suspend foreign relations with Israel, we suspend them. We do not support genocides.”

He said this in response to Israel’s decision to suspend security exports.

Then he declared: “The president of Colombia is not insulted. I call on Latin America to show real solidarity with Colombia. If he is not capable, it will be the development of history that will say the last word as in the great Chaco War,” he assured.

In his message, the President also said: “Neither the Yair Klein nor the Raifal Eithan will be able to say what the history of peace in Colombia is. They unleashed the massacre and genocide in Colombia.”

And he continued: “From the people of Israel I demand help in the peace of Colombia and help in the peace of Palestine and the world. Colombia, as Bolivar and Nariño taught us, is a sovereign and just independent people.”

Petro concluded his publication by assuring that “Someday the army and the government of Israel will ask us for forgiveness for what their men did in our land, unleashing the genocide. I will hug them and cry for the murder of Auschwitz and Gaza, and for the Colombian Auschwitz”.

Finally he stated: “Hitler will be defeated for the good of humanity, its democracy, the Peace and freedom of the world.”

This statement was later classified as a press release from the Presidency of the Republic.

Aura Saavedra


#USA #power #stop #massacre #President #Petro #Gaza



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