With genetics and in vitro fertilization, native pigs are generated in Neuquén

2023-10-15 12:06:23

Neuquén now has a laboratory that is responsible for innovating and benefiting pork production in the Northern Patagonia region. This is an initiative taken by the Family Foundation.

It had the support of the SME-ADENEU Center of Neuquén and obtained financing through the line of Federal Innovation Projects (PFI) of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of the Nation.

This innovation consists of a pig genetic improvement laboratory, which was the first installed in the area. It is located on a property located in Valentina Norte Rural in the city of Neuquén, a place where 25 people work.

The doctor in veterinary sciences Melisa Tumini directs the project and in dialogue with Diario Río Negro she told the details regarding how it was formed and what it does. In this sense she explained that The initiative arose from a notable demand from producerswho, given the provision of the health barrier, had stated that the quality of pig production had decreased.

Own development

“This sanitary barrier that is located at the height of the Colorado River prevented the entry of live animals, which was the most used way in pig production to improve genetics,” he pointed. This decision was made to prevent the entry of diseases.

At the same time, he explained that the genetic centers are mainly distributed in areas where there is greater pig production such as Santa Fe, Buenos Aires and/or Córdoba. Whereby They saw it necessary to create a laboratory that contributes to the production of the northern Patagonia region.

“It was necessary because genetics continued to improve for those areas, but not for ours. Meat production was increasingly lower, as was its quality. “The producer was at a disadvantage with respect to northern production,” he said. So it was that then Family Foundation He began planning the pig genetic improvement laboratory and also the installation of a pig farm.

This hatchery provides the receiving bellies of the different reproductive techniques that are developed in the laboratory.

The expert He explained that embryos will be produced within the laboratory through in vitro fertilization and eggs and sperm will be searched to achieve fertilization outside the animal.

How does this work

“From there they will be in an incubator until seven days following an embryo develops and then those embryos will be implanted in the bellies of the sows that are in the farm.”, he indicated.
With the purpose of improving genetics, he pointed out that the eggs and sperm will be provided from other areas and then implanted in the bellies of the sows located in the breeding facility.

“In this way we improve the genetics of the region without the need to bring animals that might modify the health status of the place.“, he reported and added that the possibility was thought of that in the future genetic material might be brought from another country.

On the other hand, Tumini explained that they are now in the embryo production stage with genetic material from the area.

This is because it is a technique that is not normally developed in the country beyond investigative purposes, it needs to be tested to determine that production can be carried out for commercial purposes.

“The project is still in development. The intention is that in the future the animal can be sold with 100% of the best genetics”, he explained. They are thinking regarding implementing an exchange plan in which the producer can deliver an old sow in exchange for a young one.

Effluent treatment

After managing to develop the laboratory project, Tumini added that a new initiative related to pork production was presented, which consists of a pork effluent treatment plant.
It was thought regarding taking into account that pigs produce a lot of effluent that is not treated and is simply discarded, affecting the environment in some way.

“We do not have legislation that regulates the treatment of effluents. Nor is there a method that is provided to the producer so that when he sets up his hatchery, the treatment is taken into account.”, pointed out the doctor. In this sense, a type of treatment was planned that will be done through a biodigester specially created to withstand the climate of the Patagonian region.

“We proposed installing the biodigesters inside the breeding sheds so that they have a constant temperature all year round”he detailed.

These biodigesters will not be those that are commonly used in the fields, but rather are continuous that make the treatment of effluents faster and more constant when generating a product that can be used as fertilizer.

“The issue of not dumping effluents into the environment helps prevent pollution because it is being reused and transformed into a product that also has profitability.””, he concluded.

Provincial support

The Family Foundation decided to go for more. Recently, presented the creation of a native germplasm bank and the pork effluent treatment plant using a biodigester to the Neuquén Agency for Innovation for Development (ANIDE)which promotes science and technology in the province.

From pigs to native plants: the promotion of the social and solidarity economy

The Family Foundation works with young people in vulnerable situations and promotes initiatives related to the social and sustainable economy, such as pig farming, reforestation with native species and the production of compost from organic waste.

Inclusive. The initiative is part of the social economy. Photo Courtesy.

Its objectives train in values ​​and practices of the social and solidarity economy in young entrepreneurs from the most vulnerable neighborhoods of the city of Neuquénsolve the problem of collecting and conserving seeds of native species in appropriate physical spaces and offering on-site training areas for producers and students.

It was formed so that girls and boys from the Nuestra Señora de la Guardia School might do their internships and workshops. However, as the years went by, He began to connect with pig producers in the Province of Neuquén and learn what problems they faced on a daily basis.

The Foundation is in charge of the Pensamiento Nativo Nursery, with 15,000 native plants. Recently Training was provided, which was promoted by COPADE with the assistance of the Federal Investment Council.

This course helped participants learn regarding seeds, where they should be collected and how they should be treated to generate plants. The Foundation also has a composting plant, using large volumes of organic waste.. . . . Natural fertilizer is generated.

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