2023-10-15 11:29:28
The “Red Wedding” episode in the Game of Thrones series is known for its brutality and unexpected twists. In this video, a young man captured a viewer’s genuine reaction as she faced the shocking episode for the first time.
Suddenly, a sea of tears
Knowing everything that was to come, a young man decided to record his girlfriend’s reactions before one of the most significant scenes of the plot began. As the sequence progressed, you might see how she experienced a wide range of emotions, from initial surprise to sadness expressed in a sea of tears.
Game of Thrones fans were empathetic with the viewer, stating that her reaction is typical of the scene: “I envy seeing the red wedding for the first time,” “we all react like that the first time,” ” ‘the series that will make you cry and hate the most at the same time”.
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