The Work and Contributions of Sociologist Pierre-Michel Menger

2023-10-15 11:31:43

Trained in philosophy at the École normale supérieure then in sociology at the School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences (EHESS), Pierre-Michel Menger, born in 1953, has been a professor at the Collège de France since 2013, director of studies at EHESS, co‐director of the Revue française de sociologie and member of the scientific council of the Revue économique.

His research and publications focused first on contemporary music, its composers, its new technologies and its audiences, then on employment systems and careers in the performing arts, with their contractual and organizational atypicalities, and on the different forms of fragmentation of employees in the general labor market. His work on the arts and more recently on careers in research and higher education links a sociology of professions, a study of labor markets and forms of organization of inventive work, and an analysis of concentration mechanisms. earnings and reputations. The tools of his sociology were forged through contact with the sociology of work, the theoretical analysis of action and interactions, and the economic analysis of behavior and choices in uncertain times.

Pierre-Michel Menger is the author of numerous recognized articles and works, devoted to the professions of art and science, as well as to social science methods and the use of big data. His work analyzes what situations of uncertainty do to social worlds and individuals: drawing on the history of art, economics and psychology, he develops an analytical perspective of social action, articulating case studies and quantitative analyses.
Since 2013, he has devoted various courses to creative work, the production of scientific knowledge, talent and the notion of completion.


Sociologist Pierre-Michel Menger and Priscille Lafitte in the France Musique studios on September 28, 2023 – Maud Noury

Text :

Excerpt from the speech given by Patrick Modiano, Sunday December 7, 2014, in Stockholm, Sweden, for the reception of his Nobel Prize for Literature.

A curious solitary activity than writing. You go through moments of discouragement when you write the first pages of a novel. Every day you feel like you’re going the wrong way. And then the temptation is great to go back and take another path. We must not succumb to this temptation but follow the same route. It’s a bit like being behind the wheel of a car at night, in winter, and driving on ice, with no visibility. You have no choice, you can’t go back, you have to keep moving forward, telling yourself that the road will eventually be more stable and the fog will clear. On the verge of finishing a book, it seems to you that it is beginning to detach itself from you and that it is already breathing the air of freedom, like children, in the classroom, the day before the summer holidays. They are distracted and noisy and no longer listen to their teacher. I would even say that as you write the last paragraphs, the book shows you a certain hostility in its haste to free itself from you. And he leaves you as soon as you have drawn the last word. It’s over, he no longer needs you, he has already forgotten you. It is the readers who will now reveal it to themselves. At that moment you feel a great emptiness and the feeling of having been abandoned. And also a kind of dissatisfaction because of this link between the book and you, which was cut too quickly. This dissatisfaction and this feeling of something unaccomplished pushes you to write the next book to restore balance, but you never succeed. As the years pass, the books follow one another and readers will speak of a “work”. But you will have the feeling that it was just one long escape.

Musical Programming:

Gustav Mahler : Symphony No. 3 en ré min, Strong – Decisive
New York Philharmonic Orchestra
Leonard Bernstein, direction
DGG 427328-2

Richard Wagner : L’or du RhinPrelude
Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra
Herbert von Karajan, direction
DG 415141-2

Jean Sibelius : Violin Concerto in D min op 47, 2. Adagio di tanto
Gidon Kremer, violin
London Symphony Orchestra
Guennadi Rozhdestvensky, direction
Suave Music 8608412

Pierre Boulez : 12 notations, So lively
Chen Pi-Hsien, piano
Art 162

Pierre Boulez : 12 notations, So lively
non-commercial recording youtube

Claudio Monteverdi : The coronation of Poppea“Pur the Mirror Pur the Godo” (Act III Sc 8) Duo Nero Poppée
Arleen Auger, soprano, Poppée
Della Jones, mezzo soprano, Néron
City of London Baroque Sinfonia
Richard Hickox, direction
VCT 5450822

Nina Simone : My Way

#wanted #work #study #intimacy #creative #work



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