Institute for the Protection of Natural Health We are all potential litigants!

2023-10-13 13:27:27

Dear friend, dear friend,

A few years ago, some of you accompanied Maître Jacqueline Bergel in her actions with the Council of State.

There were more than 3,500 of us asking that:

1/ the vaccines available on the market comply with the vaccination obligation at the time which concerned diphtheria, tetanus and poliomyelitis(1);

2/ be removed from mandatory vaccines due to its neurotoxicity(2).

The first decision had been a victory. Marisol Touraine, Minister of Health at the time, was ordered to review the government’s copy.

On aluminum, the Council of State said that current scientific knowledge did not allow it to rule once morest this metal.

Then the elections came and things changed. 11 vaccines have been made compulsory by the new government. The Assembly passed this law on December 27, 2017 on the sly(1,2).

Today, Maître Jacqueline Bergel is publishing a biographical book in which she takes up this case as well as a certain number of other emblematic trials of her career.

You will find his work here or at your bookseller.

I took advantage of her news to ask her for an interview which she gave me and which I return to you below.

Good reading !

Health Alerts Letter: How did this DTP issue arise for you?

There was a petition launched by Professor Henri Joyeux. The general public largely responded to his appeal. I suggested to the professor that he launch this action with the Council of State. Finally, you gave me the opportunity to speak regarding it at one of the big natural health conferences you were organizing.

On this occasion, I brought together many representatives who decided to attack the Minister of Health before the Council of State. And she was convicted, which was a great first!

This shows that when we unite, we rebalance forces and we can obtain favorable decisions.

Health Alert Letter: Throughout your career you have specialized in collective actions, how is this different from class actions American style ?

Among English speakers, we take three or four types of cases, we link them together through several criteria and we identify a principle which will be subject to a decision by the judge.

This gives only one case.

In France, this type of procedure has never been accepted.

So I had to do differently.

The solution I had was to bring my clients together in an informal group and list all their marital statuses.

This makes as many files as there are clients but presented at once. It’s a group action.

There was even the sixth chamber of the Paris High Court, which was created especially for these cases!

These are grouped actions. And it’s also an effective way to move the needle, including in the health sector!

Remember that according to Montesquieu, there are three great powers: the Executive, the Legislative and the Judicial. Petitions or demonstrations are intended to wake up the Executive.

We can also ask MPs. But we must never forget the judges. They are in the long term. They are sensible people, who have been trained in decision-making. Citizens must request them.

We are all potential litigants!

And in the field of health, there are many battles to be fought!

Health Alerts Letter: What would be the priority avenues in your opinion?

I remain convinced that the question of vaccine aluminum might still be explored further. Professor Romain Gherardi, neurologist at Henri-Mondor hospital in Créteil, has been denouncing the toxicity of aluminum adjuvants for years. For him, they are responsible for a recent illness that he called macrophage myofasciitis. He is not the only one to have worked on aluminum toxicity(4).

Professor Chris Exley, in the United Kingdom, has also published studies demonstrating the neurotoxicity of this metal, which is found in the brains of people who have died with Alzheimer’s disease, for example.(5).

Ultimately, this trial did not take place.

But all the studies are there. It would be enough for one of my young colleagues to want to lead the fight.

And I’m sure that public opinion would be there in support! Let’s not forget that aluminum has already been removed for animal vaccines and removed from cosmetic products.

Another topic would be insecticides or pesticides.

Three years ago, I was contacted by an agricultural federation in France which approached me to try to launch action in this area.

It is an institution with which I had already had the opportunity to work.

Health Alerts Letter: What health advice would you give to our readers?

Don’t hesitate to cross-check the diagnoses when you have an important decision to make! We see it every day. For the same symptom, one doctor will tell you white, the other will tell you black.

You already know this, but I reiterate it: be willing to look for alternatives, for example natural remedies.

Listen to your body. Only he knows.

The doctor has his knowledge too.

But it’s regarding your life, your body.

Health Alerts Letter: With your experience, what advice would you give to the litigants that we all are?

Do not give up.

If there is an injustice, report it and find a lawyer who will help you regroup.
Remember that there is strength in numbers.

Don’t be afraid to assert your rights in court.

Thank you Jacqueline Bergel!

Naturally yours,

Augustine of Livois

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