Israeli-Gaza Conflict: Recovered Hostages and Evacuation in Northern Strip

2023-10-14 20:49:43

IsraelThe military said today that operations in the Gaza Strip this week had resulted in the recovery of several suspects.HamasThe remains of hostages kidnapped by militants. Officials said they would give civilians more time to evacuate the northern Gaza Strip before launching a full-scale ground invasion.

Agence France-Presse reported that Israeli military spokesman Peter Lerner said at a press conference, “We have found the remains of some kidnapped Israelis around the Gaza corridor.”

According to the Israeli authorities, since Hamas militants launched attacks on Israel on the 7th, at least 1,300 people have been killed and at least 120 others have been kidnapped.

Since then, the Israeli military has launched “localized” offensives and air strikes in the Gaza corridor. The Hamas government said the air strikes have killed at least 2,215 people.

Lerner said Israeli forces found the remains of hostages during these “small-scale, close-range attacks in Gaza.”

He pointed out that the Israeli military has carried out air strikes on thousands of Hamas targets in the Gaza corridor, including “key targets such as drone facilities, naval facilities, command and control facilities, and rocket facilities.”

“Our assessment shows that Hamas is currently in a state of chaos and they don’t know what the situation is like on the ground because they have fled into the tunnels.”

Government officials said civilians would be given more time to evacuate the northern Gaza Strip before launching a full-scale ground attack.

Lerner did not specify a deadline for the evacuation of civilians, saying only that “we have extended the deadline once more because we know that large numbers of people need to leave. We are continuing to call on people in the northern Gaza Strip to evacuate south to get away from danger.”

Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lior Haiat emphasized that Israel did not requestPalestine“We have given civilians time to evacuate, and we will continue to give them more time to leave the locations where Hamas’s terrorist operation infrastructure is located.”

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