Everything You Need to Know About Herpes Labial: Causes, Symptoms, and Home Remedies

2023-10-14 21:32:46

These fluid-filled sores regularly develop in the area around the lips.

Applying ice or a warm piece of cloth helps reduce pain. Photo: Medicine and Public Health Magazine.

He herpes labial or also known as feverish herpes or lip feveris a common viral infection that mainly affects the lips and the surrounding area of ​​the mouth, which is characterized by the appearance of small painful blisters filled with fluid in this region.

As detailed by the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research in the United States: “they form outside the mouth and are caused by infection with the herpes simplex virus, usually type 1 or HSV-1.”

Tingling, itching and burning, the first signs

Likewise, as indicated in the article, herpes labial It usually goes through several stages, which begin with tingling, itching or burning around the lips, which can last regarding a day before a small painful spot appears.

This spot develops into small fluid-filled blisters that often develop along the edge of the lips, although they can sometimes appear around the nose, cheeks, or even inside the mouth.

“The first time you have a herpes labialSymptoms can appear up to 20 days following you are first exposed to the virus, sores last several days, and blisters take two to three weeks to completely heal. On subsequent occasions they tend to be less severe than with the first outbreak,” explained Mayo Clinic, an entity dedicated to clinical practice, education and research.

Stress and smoking possible causes

Given this, the institute clarified that certain everyday situations or nutrient deficiencies might lead to the appearance of these fires: “the exact cause of canker sores is not known, but an injury, stress, smoking, or folic acid deficiencies, iron or vitamin B12 might trigger them.”

Homemade relief

While these lesions usually go away on their own and do not require treatment, in some cases, antiviral medications may be used, either in the form of topical creams or prescription pills.

Although the United States National Library of Medicine provides certain measures to feel relief: “Apply ice or a piece of hot cloth, wash the blisters with water and soap once morest germs, thus preventing their spread, gargle with cold water or consume ice cream, Rinse with salt water and take some pain reliever.”

Risks of contagion and future outbreaks

To prevent future outbreaks, it is important to keep in mind that sun exposure can trigger the appearance of cold sores, so the use of sunscreen is recommended. Additionally, it is crucial to avoid close contact if symptoms occur, as the herpes labial Is it contagious. Avoiding kissing other people or sharing utensils and personal items can help prevent the spread.

Source consulted here.

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