Heroic Father Rescues Daughter from Brutal Hamas Attack: The Inspiring Story of Neta Portal’s Survival

2023-10-14 02:29:00

International Center/Reported by Xu Yuanxin

▲The Palestinian radical organization “Hamas” invades Israel. (Photo/AP/ASSOCIATED PRESS Authorization)

The Palestinian militant organization Hamas launched a large-scale raid on Israel on the 7th, and Kfar Aza was one of several small agricultural settlements that bore the brunt. Hamas carried out a bloody attack on the area, killing a large number of people. A 22-year-old Israeli woman, Neta Portal, was shot six times. She asked for help from her policeman father, whom she had not spoken to for six years. The father rushed to the scene to fight off multiple Hamas elements and successfully rescued his daughter. , and 3 other children.

According to a report by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) on the 13th, Netta had not spoken to her father for six years following her parents divorced. At that time, she was attacked by Hamas. At that moment, she knew that only her father might save her, so she quickly called him After sending a distress message, his father, Shimon Portal, a police intelligence officer, also rushed to the scene immediately.

The report pointed out that Simon was attacked by Hamas gunmen as soon as he arrived at the scene. During the exchange of gunfire with the gunmen, he first rescued three children, drove them to a safe place, and then immediately turned around and went back to find his daughter. Shimon and several Israeli soldiers fought once morest 15 Hamas elements. The two sides exchanged fire for nearly three hours before successfully rescuing his daughter.

Neta is currently in a hospital in Tel Aviv. She was interviewed by foreign media and recalled the situation with lingering fear. At that time, Hamas elements shot at her, causing her to be shot six times in her hands and feet. Her boyfriend was also shot once in the leg. The boyfriend fled two streets away with her on his back and hid under a pile of trash.

Netta’s father, Simon, said in an interview that the moment he received his daughter’s text message asking for help, “my heart stopped, my head was in chaos, and I was going crazy.” Looking at his daughter lying on the hospital bed, Simon was sad and angry. Said, “My beautiful daughter, I protected her. She is a gentle child who only believes in peace. She does not understand why they want to kill children.” Neta believes that Israel does not want to harm civilians, nor does it want to do so, and hopes that the military If we can get rid of Hamas, “we must be strong.”

▼Kfar Aza was brutally attacked by Hamas. A police father rushed to the front line to save his daughter and three other children. (The video is from YouTube channel 13, please forgive me if it is removed)

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