Improving Workplace Well-being and Happiness: Discover the Secrets in the Documentary Series ‘Héroes’

2023-10-13 17:15:00

According to a recent Gallup study, employee engagement is at an all-time low, with only 20% satisfied with their jobs, and these results are replicated globally.

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A team of Colombians investigated more than 15 countries, including the United States, Colombia, Mexico, Spain, England, Malta and Peru, interviewing leaders and companies to identify successful practices in promoting workplace well-being and a people-centered culture.

After five years of research, “Héroes” is born, a documentary series that seeks to address happiness and well-being at work, with the aspiration of contributing to a better world.

In the best style of a Netflix series, the documentary is divided into different chapters and seasons in which it tells us the fundamentals and accessories to be happy at work and all the topics that influence well-being and quality of life: relationships, technology, leadership, mental health, diversity, emotional intelligence, employee experience, neuro-architecture and many more topics.

The documentary series “Héroes” features more than 100 experts, including Sylvia Ramírez, Luis Gallardo, Arlen Solodkin, Jeffrey Pfeffer, Roberto Martínez, as well as prominent Human Resources leaders such as Pilar Marulanda (Cenit) and Johana Forero (Carvajal), who They share the secrets to improve the work environment and promote well-being and sustainable quality of life in companies.

One of the most shocking findings of the research reveals that many children considered “bullies” come from parents who are emotionally hurt in their jobs.

This discovery highlights the impact of the work environment on employees, their families and society in general, underlining the importance of companies that care regarding the well-being of their collaborators, says Juan Carlos Gutiérrez, director of the documentary.

At a global level, job dissatisfaction is a phenomenon that does not discriminate borders. According to the World Happiness Report 2022, levels of happiness at work have experienced a decrease in various regions, being affected by factors such as job stability, working conditions and the balance between work and personal life.

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For example, in the United States, only 34% of workers feel engaged in their work, while in Japan, the country with the longest working hours, job satisfaction is notoriously low. Furthermore, a higher salary does not make people happier at work. In fact, 87% of people convert that increase into debt, in less than a month, generating even more financial stress, says Gutiérrez.

The series was launched in Madrid, Spain, on September 29 within the framework of the Mental Health and Occupational Wellbeing discussion, organized by the MásFamilia Foundation and Happyforce. And, in the best style of “The House of the Dragon”, it will release a new episode every week, until completing the nine chapters that the season promises.

The series is now available and you can enjoy it at

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