Lifemart and period. I don’t miss McDonald’s anymore – Personal experience on

2023-10-13 08:57:12

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It’s not tasty. Expensive. Not safe. No variety. Let’s look at common consumer opinions regarding ready-made food using the example of the Lifemart store.

Myth #1: It’s cheaper to cook at home

“Buying ready-made food is something for the rich.” Many people think so because they are used to it: everything that is sold at retail has a large markup. But let’s count the costs together. Let’s take okroshka and see what’s more profitable – cooking or buying a ready-made dish.

So, let’s put together a shopping cart for okroshka in an average store in Yekaterinburg (I indicate approximate prices):

eggs – 130 rubles; ham – 300 rubles; cucumbers – 85 rubles; potatoes – 50 rubles; green onions, herbs – 40 rubles; dressing from mineral water and mayonnaise – 190 rubles.

I will ask supporters of kvass or kefir to stand aside. This is just a possible refueling option.

So, all this together costs 795 rubles. There will be regarding 6 servings of okroshka in one pan. But also count how much time you will spend first going to the store, and then cooking at the stove.

One serving of okroshka with ham in Zhiznmart costs 140 rubles, and 6 servings will cost 840 rubles – only 45 rubles more expensive, but how much less hassle with it.

Lifemart has family food items, where three servings are sold in one package. For example, Tom Yum soup costs 795 rubles for three. It’s easy to estimate how much such a soup would cost to prepare at home. 300 g of Caesar salad with chicken in a restaurant costs 500 rubles, our Caesar costs 198 rubles for 180 g.

The average bill for ready-made food in our stores is 350 rubles. This might be a full breakfast or lunch, coffee with rolls or onigiri. In general, this is something that both office workers and students will get enough of.

We do not place a large markup on products; we monitor pricing both from franchise partners and, of course, from competitors – federal retail and restaurants. It is important for us to show the buyer that a high-quality restaurant-style product can be purchased for affordable money.

But, of course, it all starts with production.

Myth No. 2: It is unclear under what conditions the food was prepared.

I understand this fear very well.

The production of ready-made food at Zhiznmart is partially automated – regarding 10-20%, but this mainly concerns packaging. The dishes themselves are prepared largely by hand in factory kitchens to preserve the taste and naturalness of the food.

Ready-made food is prepared in kitchens, then transported to a warehouse in Yekaterinburg, and goes to stores in cars, inside of which the temperature regime is maintained. Our quality control can monitor their temperature online using sensors installed inside. All this happens quickly. The cars leave the warehouses at 11 pm, then the prepared food is distributed among the cars and sent to the destination cities. In the morning it is already accepted for display in refrigerators. Food is delivered to stores in Yekaterinburg within 2-3 hours.

And at each stage of logistics, temperature measurements are taken to ensure that it remains within the normal range:

for a refrigeration chamber in a factory – this is -2℃ – +4℃; for a warehouse – 18℃; inside the package – -2℃ – +4℃.

At each factory, laboratory tests of products are carried out, and auditors and sanitary inspectors also often go there. We monitor temperature measurements through online cameras and sensors that are available everywhere in factories and warehouses.

We also have a staff of technologists who take one or two items for rejection and check the organoleptics, taste, and smell of the dishes.

When food is delivered to stores, the recipient is required to measure the temperature in the back and take a photo of it. If it is higher than the norm, then the goods are sent back.

It may seem like this is a fairy tale from the Vienna Woods, because all retailers claim this. But that’s a plus franchises. The partner is interested in receiving a quality product, not the fastest turnover. If the supplier delivers goods that have been stored in improper conditions, the partner will receive compensation for the costs.

Only following this entire path of measurement and control has been completed, the buyer can purchase ready-made food in the freshest form.

Myth No. 3: It’s not clear what other products were used to cook

We are confident in the dishes we prepare at home ourselves, because we know what we put in it. But the concept of Lifemart is that consumers should also be confident in what they eat.

The factories have agreed upon recipes, the implementation of which is controlled by chefs, chief technologists and the franchise management company. If something is still wrong: the dish is tasteless or the buyer has doubts regarding its quality, then he can report this in the customer chat or to a store employee.

Firstly, we will refund your money without question, and secondly, we will send the dish for inspection. If the fact of poor quality is confirmed, we will put this position of the supplier on “stop” until he corrects everything.

The composition of the finished food is always indicated on the packaging, and it also bears the Lifemart quality mark – this means that we have checked the naturalness of the ingredients and the taste of the dish and are ready to take responsibility for them.

We also guarantee that we do not sell expired goods.

We have an IT system of our own design, in which the auto purchasing program helps prevent large surpluses of products in stores.

This is a program for partners franchise, according to which they can form purchases for their own store and manually change purchase volumes, if necessary. For example, a partner sees a drop in sales of borscht at the moment when 10 servings are purchased daily. It reduces them to 5. Or vice versa – the system shows that these 10 portions are scattered instantly, and increases them to 15. The accuracy of such automatic purchasing is 85-90%.

In this regard, we try to be environmentally friendly, so we carry out logistics every day. About 80% of the daily supply of ready-made food arrives in stores. And only regarding 20% is calculated as a carryover balance to the next day. That is, 80% of ready-made food in stores is today’s fresh dishes.

Stores deal with written-off products independently and at the discretion of the director. But in Zhiznmart stores there is a shelf of discarded goods – these are products that have expiration dates. For example, there will be a salad that, according to the norms, has 2-3 hours left to “live.” From there, guests can pick up goods completely free of charge.

Also, many partners participate in charity – 90% are high-quality goods for various charitable events and events, 10% are discarded goods, for example, for animals.

Myth No. 4: There is little choice on the menu for vegetarians, fasting people and allergy sufferers.

And this is also not true, at least not regarding our stores. We have several types of menu:

vegetarian; vegan; fasting on fasting days; seasonal.

They take into account the peculiarities of the diet – the absence of meat or dairy products in the dish. Ice cream – in summer and hearty high-calorie dishes – in winter, meatless dishes and preferences for national cuisine in each specific city. There are also non-alcoholic goods – wine and champagne, for example.

And a lactose-free story. Today, many buyers are looking for lactose-free milk or cheese, and we place great emphasis on them, because we know how difficult it is to find such products on the shelves, and even more so in ready-made dishes.

This is possible, once more, thanks to the franchise. Our suppliers from different regions specialize in certain dishes: oriental, European or national cuisine, and therefore each supplier is individual. Many of them concentrate production around a specific food category, for example, lactose-free.

In general, when we create a menu, we look not only at suppliers, but also at trends. For example, recently buyers have been very interested in waffles, and we invite suppliers to also develop in this direction.

Or Japanese cuisine, which is still so popular. We see how it interests our guests, because there are almost no offers on the market when you can come to the store and buy rolls or onigiri.

In addition, we are always open to suggestions from the guests themselves. There is a chat in which any customer can write to us regarding what they would like to see on the menu. We will analyze the demand for it, and if there is it, we will add it.

We also have a well-developed delivery service. If a customer wants to receive a hot meal at home, we will definitely heat it up before sending it and keep it at the same temperature. Like in a cafe.

Of course, cooking at home is not just regarding speed and budget. It is also a special homely atmosphere, a hobby and a way to relax following a working day. Therefore, no one claims that it is necessary to buy ready-made food, but we would like our guests to know regarding this possibility.

What myths regarding ready-made food have I not yet dispelled, write in the comments.

#Lifemart #period #dont #McDonalds #anymore #Personal #experience



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