The Ultimate Guide to Relieving Headaches: Exercises, Tips, and Prevention Methods

2023-10-11 22:00:00

The term “headache” refers to any pain located in the cranial region, in the upper part of the cervical region or the back of the neck and in the upper half of the face. It is what is commonly called a “headache”, a problem that, according to the Headache Clinical Practice Manual of the Headache Study Group of the Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN), Between 73 and 89% of the male population and between 92 and 99% of the female population claim to suffer or have suffered from headaches. Furthermore, 51% of the European population report suffering from headaches regularly and 4% suffer from chronic headaches and, as a consequence, experience headaches more than 15 days a month.

Although headaches can be due to various causes, some of them seriouspoor vision can be a frequent factor in its appearance. Many patients associate headaches with eyestrain or the effort they make to see well, for example, while driving. For these people, Ainhoa ​​de Federicoprofessor and researcher at the University of Toulouse and creator of the See Clear Again Methodrecommends a series of exercises that can help you relieve headaches caused by poor vision:

1. The clapping exercise

Clapping is a pleasant and simple exercise that provides many benefits to the eyes and vision. According to Federico, “it is extremely effective in releasing eye tension that can cause headaches.” Palming “induces deep relaxation and stimulates circulation in the eyes. Thanks to the darkness and heat, it also reduces general stress.”

How to do the clapping exercise?

Preparation: Relax your hands, for example by shaking them. If you wish, You can also rub them together to generate heat.

Position: Rest your elbows on a table or on your knees and place your hands in a spoon shape. With the palms of the hands, Very gently cover the eye sockets and place the fingers of one hand on top of the other in the center of the forehead. If you have your eyes open, you should notice that there is hardly any light coming in. Make sure to keep your eyes closed and relaxed during the process.

Relaxation: Breathe deeply and visualize complete darkness with your eyes closed. Feel the warmth of your palms and allow yourself to immerse yourself in that relaxing sensation for a few minutes. Focus your attention on the darkness and the feeling of relief that this exercise brings you.

Frequency: The ideal is to practice clapping three times a day, and especially before sleeping. The eyes do not relax spontaneously at night, so relaxing them before sleeping can be very beneficial for your vision.

Duration: After a minute you will feel its beneficial effects, but you can continue as long as is agreeable and reasonable to you. Doing a long pat every once in a while (15-30 minutes) is very beneficial. Finish the practice by progressively removing your hands to get your eyes used to the light once more before opening them once more.

2. Adequate rest

Enjoying restful nights is an excellent headache prevention measure. If you do it just before going to sleep, his advice is to “eliminate or cover all light sources in your room to achieve total darkness, remove cables and electrical devices from your room, as far as possible, and sleep for a sufficient number of hours.”

3. Protect your eyes from working with screens

If you spend a lot of time in front of screens, this can cause eye strain and cause headaches. Take care of your eyes as follows:

● Blink: We often forget to blink when we are focused on our tasks. Make sure you blink approximately every two seconds.

● Breathe: Sometimes we function in a state of apnea without realizing it, pay attention to your breathing to make sure you continue breathing while you are on the computer.

● Take your eyes off the screen: Remember to take your eyes off the screen from time to time and look at the farthest corners of your workspace, in order to relax the tension that your eyes suffer when looking up close. If you have a window in your environment and can look into the distance without intervening glass, even better.

● Use reminders: In a very visible place in your workplace, put a post-it that reminds you blink, breathe, look away and invite you to get up regularly from your chair to stretch, yawn, go to the bathroom, drink water and take active breaks.

4. Play with balls outdoors

Another very simple exercise is to go outdoors and enjoy any type of game with balls. This simple and fun activity “protects you from vision-related headaches in several ways”:

Visual stimulation: Playing with a ball requires precise eye-hand-body-brain coordination. This, in turn, enhances eye mobility, strengthens eye muscles and improves focusing ability. Additionally, constantly changing focus distances will relax your eyes.

Exposure to natural light: Sunlight allows your eyes to relax and adjust naturallyl, unlike artificial light from electronic devices that can cause fatigue and eye strain.

Release of beneficial hormones: Play and physical exercise release endorphins, called “happiness hormones”which act as natural analgesics, relieving pain and reducing stress, the other common trigger of migraines.

5. Reduce your consumption of tobacco, alcohol and coffee

Alcohol, tobacco and coffee are three of the most common substances that can trigger or aggravate migraine episodes, including those that have a direct relationship with vision.

These are its effects on vision:

Alcohol: Alcohol intake It can dilate blood vessels and thereby trigger migraines. In addition, alcohol often dehydrates the body, which promotes its appearance. Alcohol also affects the liver, an organ closely related to the quality of your vision.

Tobacco: Smoking or being exposed to tobacco smoke produces constriction and damage to blood vessels. In addition, nicotine can increase blood pressure, altering circulation and causing headaches. Poor circulation can affect eye health and thus aggravate vision-related migraines.

Coffee: While a moderate amount of caffeine can relieve headaches in some cases, Excessive consumption or sudden withdrawal can cause a headache. Caffeine can also affect the quality of sleep, which is key to preventing vision-related migraines and headaches.

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