Barrionuevo wants to take revenge on Massa and found in Milei the way to punishment

2023-10-12 08:30:00

Whether it was social or political, the journalist had to tour the packed embassy of Spain to celebrate what was once Columbus Day and attend the Rural to see a trailer of a film document regarding Raul Alfonsin in celebration of democracy.

He met politicians and businessmen in abundance, the topics were similar: concern regarding the winner in the first round on October 22; comments on the terrible massacre in the Middle East; the influence of union member Luis Barrionuevo on Javier Milei; the run on the dollar and its effect on the candidacy of Sergio Massa.

Unconsummated photos

First visit: at noon, the Spanish ambassador was amused, not used to giving two kisses like in her homeland, while in one of the rooms a daring person remembered a diplomatic jewel. Not in front of the hostess, of course. According to the story, a previous ambassador had gone to the Casa Rosada to meet with the President. They delayed him excessively, forced to collect urine, even though the lady deserved it. Twice a secretary warned her to wait, tolerant, until the third time she heard an order through a half-open door: “Tell the shitty Galician once more to wait for me a little longer.” The secretary then went out to meet the ambassador, repeating her client’s instructions with other words, subtle and polite, requiring a little more patience. Then the diplomat replied angrily: “No, look, let them know that the Galician is leaving and what’s left is shit.”.

Javier Miley.

The anecdote was more entertaining than the observations regarding the electoral end of the 22nd, with majority believing that Javier Milei would safely enter the runoff or, perhaps, win without the need for a second round. For many foreigners, the enigma persists. Milei, who this week traveled for the first time to Salta where he obtained 50% of the votes and, in the process, went up to the Andean town of San Antonio de los Cobres—unknown to him—and was grateful that they benefited him. with 63% support in the last election. Miracles from within.

I also know He critically commented on the lightness with which Milei had expressed the convenience of taking refuge in the dollar., of abandoning the fixed terms in pesos, almost of the anti-patriotism of an immature statesman. There were those who answered: “I can share an opinion, but this protection of the dollar has been carried out by funds and banks for a long time, sometimes with privileged information. It disgusts me now that they are outraged because Milei makes massive that recommendation that they have practiced for a long time. hypocritical country”. Names are best avoided.

Chocolate for everyone

In memory of Alfonsín there was a painful repudiation of the brutal attack by Hamas on Israel – expressed by Adrián Werthein, a Direct TV businessman, who in turn sponsored the film – and various elaborations on the fact: of the unimaginable ineptitude of the Israeli Army to allow the entry of terrorists into Netanyahu’s own evil plots to empower himself when he was in trouble to govern. Or, blaming radicalized Palestinians who, through the exercise of atrocious violence, wish to complicate possible treaties between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Two unknowns, however: Muslim extremism is inspired by religious leaders, unlike their enemies, who are politicians but fervent devotees of a religion. That coexistence is impossible. The other doubt: despite its past history of bloody attacks, Hamas terrorism only acted to retain the macabre headline of the media, with the sinister invasion propaganda – the same thing that finally happened with the operation once morest the Twin Towers – or It has a second intention with related organizations or states for a higher objective. For now, escalation will come with Jewish retaliation.

Luis Barrionuevo and Javier Milei
Luís Barrionuevo and Javier Milei.

Several they cursedalready on the local terrain, on the proximity of Milei with the gastronomic Luis Barrionuevowith a joint catilinary by Patricia Bullrich and Sergio Massa: the economist made a pact with the “caste”, he is associated with the “union bureaucracy”, he reconfigures the military-union pact that Alfonsín once denounced.

It was interesting that a Buenos Aires radical observed: “Look, Barrionuevo is alone todayfights once morest the CGT that is with Massa, once morest the Fernández government and once morest Cambiemos. He is guided by revenge, more than other interests. As he was linked to Milei’s girlfriend, Fátima Florez (the polls have not yet decided whether this relationship favors the candidate or not), he managed to get closer to the couple and, in addition to contributing to the party organization, fulfill your greater purpose”. Intrigued, the witnesses harassed the interlocutor with various questions.

Milei and Barrionuevo: secrets of the pact with the caste

Answers: Barrionuevo wants revenge on Massa and is warned by a multi operations warfare, of false and true accusations between the two. From the Insaurralde case to a union investigation in the province of Buenos Aires. You just have to look at the media to find out. To the trade unionist, he explained, He has been dominated by personal bitterness since the Minister of Economy blocked the candidacy of Wado de Pedro and he dressed himself as a candidate for Cristina de Kirchner. For Barrionuevo it was a personal injury, since he promoted the doctor’s chosen one and, at the same time, until then he had loved Massa as a kind of putative son.

Since then, as the witness of the Rural’s well-served agape expressed, he sought revenge. With Milei he found a way for punishment. “I promised Wado -the infidente maintained, speaking like Barrionuevo- that I would deliver the ‘stuff’ on Sunday night the 22nd, the political corpse of the person who screwed you over as a presidential candidate. And I will fulfill you”. More than Milei, it seems.

#Barrionuevo #revenge #Massa #Milei #punishment



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