Cubans Fleeing Communism in Search of Better Life and Opportunities: Message to Díaz-Canel from the Darién Jungle

2023-10-12 01:18:36

CubitaNOW Editorial Staff ~ Thursday, October 12, 2023

Three Cubans at the crossing of the Darién jungle sent the respective message that the majority of citizens send to the designated ruler in Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel.

Díaz-Canel, singa’o! It can be said jokingly, or very seriously, but it contains within itself all the frustration of those who can feel how the opportunist leader had the opportunity to make changes in his hands and has let it pass at his convenience to profit like the predecessors of he.

In the video, the young people tell a foreign reporter that they make the trip fleeing communism in search of the better life and opportunities that capitalism offers.

The young people said that if they manage to finish the trip they dream of settling in Florida. When asked how he is, they explain that there are still teenagers imprisoned on July 11 and no one can understand the reason.

The interlocutor wished them a good trip and blessed them to have a good trip. The three Cubans: a woman, a 16-year-old teenager and another young man, were preparing to cross one of the most dangerous jungles in the world.

Cubans risk their lives every day to build a better future.

This week, a Cuban woman died while traveling on a bus through Honduras; local reports indicated that she suffered a heart attack.

“A female of Cuban origin dies inside an interurban bus, the incident occurred near the community of Ceibita, Quimistan, Santa Bárbara. The Cuban migrant received medical assistance but no longer had vital signs, authorities are investigating the causes of death,” 45TV El Canal de Los Ceibeños said.

The Portal InformativoHn space also stated that the authorities are carrying out the procedures to repatriate the remains of the Cuban woman.

“Inside a bus, the body of a 52-year-old migrant woman from Cuba remained inert. According to police officers at the scene, a sudden heart attack would be the reason for her death. Her companions, those who migrated with her, have been dismayed by her because she left her country to achieve something better for herself and her family and unfortunately only found her death. This fact was recorded in Quimistan in Santa Bárbara where all the procedures are carried out to send her to her country of origin,” they warned.

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