7 strategies to reduce your waistline without much effort (specially for men)

2023-10-11 17:00:38

The belly fat loss is a difficult goal for many people, whether it’s getting rid of a “small belly” or sporting clearly visible abs.

If a slimmer stomach embellishes physical appearance, he also participates in a better health general.

However, the quest for a flat stomach or one with less fat is for many of us a arduous ordeal.

Indeed, it is very discouraging to see that the fat disappears slowly and that it comes back at a gallop at the slightest departure from the diet.

Let’s see together 7 super techniques to accelerate the loss of fat on the belly in a sustainable, healthy and above all: easy way.

#1 Intermittent fasting and natural foods

If it doesn’t grow, if it doesn’t swim/fly/walk: you don’t eat it!

A simple approach to burning belly fat is to adopt the intermittent fasting and associate it with a specific diet.

Note that this method has the advantage not to require counting calories ingested and not make meal preparation more difficult.

However, it may take a little time to show results.

Intermittent fasting involves eating only one or two meals per day.

On the power side, you must opt ​​for a single ingredient foodpreferably with a natural, unprocessed and healthy product.

To summarize, we are talking regarding ingredients which:

“Walk” on the ground, Grow in the ground.

These foods have a lower caloric value than prepared meals or industrial products.

They better support the satiety and contribute to a slight calorie deficit.

The latter will force the body to draw on its stock of fat, particularly in the stomach, to find its energy.

Intermittent fasting has the added benefit of promoting hormonal balancel, by adjusting the levels of hormones such as leptin which regulates satiety and ghrelin which stimulates appetite.

This hormonal balance helps reduce cravings and maintain a controlled calorie intake.

Read also: How to tame these 7 hormones that affect weight gain?

#2 Proteins above all!

Your goal at each meal is to fill your stomach, feel full and without “expending” too many calories! In this sense, proteins are the best candidate…

In combination with the previous method, favor as much as possible products containing a large amount of protein.

Like the following foods:

Chicken breast and turkey; Beef: Salmon; Eggs; Shrimp ; Canned tuna; Greek yogurt; Tofu ; Etc.

This type of food remains particularly feeding and facilitates the satiety.

Furthermore, proteins require more energy from the body to digest than fats or carbohydrates, which accelerates calorie burning.

In addition to this property, proteins help to sculpt muscle mass and maintain.

Most of the time, it is recommended to consume a minimum of 1.5 g of protein per kilo daily to build muscle.

So, a 90 kg person will need to take between 135 g and 225 g of protein each day.

Also Read: 5 QUICK, High-Protein Recipes to Help You Achieve Your Fat Loss and Muscle Building Goals

#3 Do appropriate exercises

Do strength training for your metabolism, cardio for your mental health, and walking for your longevity.

Focus your training on exercises bodybuilding rather than an activity requiring cardio promotes weight loss.

Indeed, the body needs energy to maintain THE muscles what forced to draw in fat, even when inactive

. In addition, strength exercises will cause microlesions which will cause additional expense energy to achieve the synthesis of muscle proteins necessary for their repair.

Finally, a greater muscle mass will offer better regulation of the glucose and will limit fat storage.

Doing strength exercises will therefore help to sculpt the body and speed up the fat loss process.

In the gym, focus on activities like:

Squats; The bench press; The abdominals ; Pull-ups; etc.

Read also: Does cardio not make you lose weight? Be careful, you may be making these 4 mistakes that are blocking your weight loss

#4 Consume fruits and vegetables

As we’ve said before, eating a diet rich in lean protein is a great way to lose weight.

However, for accelerate the results and maintain a good healtha contribution in fruits et vegetables remains a considerable asset. During daily meals, try to eat proteins and vegetables first.

Indeed, fruits are generally more pleasant to swallow thanks to their sugar. If you start with fruit you risk eating too much and absorbing a lot of glucose which then becomes detrimental to belly fat.

As part of a diet to lose belly fat, it is advisable to consume low calorie fruits like blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, watermelons, apples…

#5 Be consistent

Are women more likely to compensate?

To get rid of fat, you have to exercise regularity and of perseverance.

Many people start a diet and become discouraged following a short time.

It is important to know that belly fat is the last to be eliminated by the body, but it is also the area it favors for storing its reserves.

By adopting a diet with only a source of proteins, vegetables and fruits, 1 to 2 meals per day, the diet becomes easier to manage.

This allows to manger THE desired and necessary quantities in order to be full, feel less deprived and maintain this rhythm until the belly fat begins to melt.

#6 Include some fats and carbs

THE fats and the carbohydrates should not be completely banned from the diet.

Like other nutrients, the body needs these substances to stay healthy.

By applying the previous techniques, there is no need to worry regarding the amount of fat that protein sources contain.

Furthermore, use fats such as olive, coconut or avocado oil sparingly to add a few essential caloriesenhance the taste of your dishes, and take more pleasure when you eat.

It is also possible to put spices in dishes to enhance flavor.

About the carbohydratesdon’t be afraid to include them in moderation, but limit your consumption of high-starch sources.

Carbohydrates are stored in muscles in the form of glycogen.

They replace fat and are also essential for effective workouts. Ideally, stick to a single serving (a bowl of rice or a potato) of carbohydrates per day.

#7 Sleep and stress management

Quality sleep is legal doping!

Finally, do not underestimate the importance of sleep and management of stress. Lack of rest disturbed THE hormones which regulate hunger and can lead to cravings for high-calorie foods.

The stress chronic can increase the production of cortisola hormone linked to the storage of belly fat.

The meditation and of good habits of sleep (7 hours minimum) are imperative in order to maintain a healthy hormonal balance and optimize the elimination of fat from the abs.

try meditate a few minutes every morning following waking up and get to work lit Has identical hourswithout sources of noise or blue light.

Updated by Quentin on: 11/10/2023

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