Tonin offers Pix Saque and Pix Troco with a Fiserv solution

2023-10-10 18:30:22

The Luiz Tonin chain reduced cash costs and the volume of cash circulating through its 20 stores spread across the interior of São Paulo and southern Minas Gerais, with the adoption of Pix Saque and Pix Troco. To offer the solutions, the network chose to integrate Fiserv’s Pix hub, through its Software Express business unit, using Itaú Unibanco as a Payment Service Provider (PSP).

The service was initially launched in one of the chain’s supermarkets, helping to understand whether its offer would impact queues in stores, and was soon expanded to other units. Since implementation, which took place quickly and with practically no additional costs, in July 2022, the average ticket has grown three times in value.

Adopting the solution was simpler because the company already offers Pix as a means of paying for purchases to its customers, as it would not be necessary to go through the entire authorization process to accept and tokenize information. Furthermore, the network was already using Fiserv’s solution, which offers transactional services and different payment platforms integrated with retail to capture card and voucher transactions, including Private Label cards, benefit cards and loyalty service cards.

Following the rules defined by the BC, to withdraw money at Luiz Tonin stores, the customer can opt for Pix Troco – in which they make a purchase and ask for Pix to be charged a higher amount, to obtain it in cash – or via Pix Saque – in this case, simply make a Pix in the desired amount, using a QR Code shown to the customer on the POS screen, to receive the agreed amount in cash, without the need to make a purchase.

“Pix Saque and Pix Troco brought benefits to our customers and to Luiz Tonin Atacadista. Now, in addition to offering products to supply your home, we also offer financial services to our customers such as withdrawals through Pix”, says Daiane Belluzzo, Financial Manager of the Luiz Tonin supermarket and cash-and-carry chain. “The customer no longer needs to go to the bank or lottery to make a withdrawal, with their bank’s App they can use one of our 20 stores and make a withdrawal in less than a minute”, he adds.

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According to the company, there is still a lot of room to grow and communication with the customer remains constant, promoting Pix Saque and Pix Troco solutions across all channels, in person and online – a way of offering consumers multiple options to buy and pay, and includes in-store banners, SMS and email marketing and visual notices at checkouts.

“The Central Bank carried out banking services for customers with the payment of aid through Caixa Tem and we, as store owners, needed to be prepared to receive these customers who transacted on Pix”, says Daiane. “After this first step, starting to offer Pix Saque and Pix Troco, there was a faster implementation. We have a long way to go, we have a year of implementation. Increasing Saque’s share of purchases paid in cash is our biggest objective”, concludes the executive.


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