Central African Republic: visit to the Bamingui Honey House

2023-10-10 22:11:05

In 2019, thanks to funding from Norway via a UNESCO project, the NGO WCS built a training and urban production center called “House of Honey” in the town of Bamingui, with the aim of increasing non-profit only production, but also to allow young people to develop socio-economically.

From our correspondent in Bangui,

The Bamingui Honey House has around ten beehives spread over three hectares of forest. From breeding bees to marketing, beekeepers meticulously follow several steps. First, the harvest is usually carried out between September and October. Then comes the extraction which consists of emptying the cells containing still raw honey. The honey then matures in a vat for fermentation.

Once fermented, the final product can be jarred, labeled and released to the market. A profitable activity, according to Donassien Paul Ndako, one of the young beekeepers. “ A hive produces between 40 and 50 liters depending on the activities of the bees “, he explains. “ In a year, we do two six-month productions. Our potential clients are expatriates on mission in the area and Sudanese traders. Honey does not exist among them and when they come, they take everything from our dealers.»

Two tonnes of raw honey each year

With a size of approximately 1.20 m, the hives have a rectangular shape and are placed next to flowering trees to attract bees. Today with its beehives, Mairen produces around two tonnes of raw honey each year.

« There are eleven groups of beekeepers working here at the Honey House. Each group is made up of around thirty members », explains Mairen. “We all work here, which is why the output is better. Each of us has a family. It is thanks to this activity that we take care of schooling, care, food and all the needs of our families. It allows us to live and organize our livess. »

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50% of young people unemployed in Bamingui

Honey is a treasure that can be found in all the markets of Bamingui and the Central African Republic in general. Christian Singa is a big honey lover.

«I am a honey consumer par excellence. Here they make very good quality raw honey.“, he assures “In fact, at the hospital, nutritionists always tell me that the virtues are good for your health. I give this to my children every day, because it helps them memorize things well. In the month, me and my family, we use one and a half liters. I eat it with lemon and I always feel strong».

In Bamingui, unemployment affects 50% of young people aged between 15 and 24 according to local authorities. Beekeeping now allows around fifty of them to become self-employed. The dream of these young people is to make the Honey House a honey export company throughout the world.

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