Boosting HPV Vaccination Rates: A Comprehensive Guide to Protecting Both Boys and Girls

2023-10-10 12:53:00

This Monday morning marked the start of the vaccination campaign against HPV (Papillomavirus) viruses in the department’s colleges. An operation which concerns 3000 students, carried out in close collaboration by the ARS, national education, and the Nord-Ardenne hospital. To date, 55% of 15-year-old girls had already received at least one dose of papillomavirus vaccine in the Ardennes, compared to 10.5% of boys. A discrepancy which is probably explained by a national campaign mainly focused on the risks of cervical cancer. However, it is not the only cancer generated by the papillomavirus: 25% of cancers caused by papillomaviruses are generated in men.
Guillaume Mauffré, ARS Territorial Delegate in the Ardennes, discusses the issue of this campaign and in particular raising awareness of the vaccination of boys
This vaccination is offered to all 5th grade students and this first stage took place at Turenne college in Sedan, during which 24 students received their first dose of vaccine (13 girls and 10 boys). A second dose will be administered to them in 6 months, still within their establishment. A way of catching up, during this second phase, with those who had not volunteered to receive the first dose.
What is the papillomavirus? How do you catch it? What are the risks? The answer with Doctor Bruno Lévêque, General Practitioner in Charleville-Mézières

Vaccination is reimbursed for adolescents up to the age of 19 and can be done in the school during this campaign, but also in town, at the doctor’s office or at the vaccination center at the Nord-Hospital. Ardennes. A campaign in colleges which was able to be organized thanks to a state grant of 80,000 euros in the Ardennes.

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