45 Fiber-Rich Foods for a Flat Stomach and Good Digestive Health

2023-10-10 07:22:48

Surely you have heard that for maintain a flat stomach y good digestive health, fiber consumption is essential. But do you know why it is? According to the experts at Smileat, a leading Spanish baby food company that produces and markets sustainable and 100% ecological products, Fiber intake is essential in a healthy diet for the following reasons.

Moderate the lipid levels in blood (cholesterol-triglycerides).

Moderates the levels of glucose blood (glycemia-blood sugar).

Help the weight controlespecially in terms of body composition, minimizing the fatty component (adipose tissue).

Contributes to the formation of healthy intestinal flora (microbiota), positively impacting the increase in defenses and strengthening of the intestinal mucosa.

Avoid disorders such as constipation.

Genera healthy eating habits by incorporating foods that include a source of fiber that also contain other nutrients such as vitamins and minerals or antioxidants.

Throughout this article we are going to show you 45 foods rich in fiber that should be part of a healthy diet.


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1. Arrows

As indicated by the experts at Juice Plus+ Company, an international health and wellness company, everyone knows that the golden season for mushrooms is autumn. These mushrooms have very few calories; In addition, they balance blood sugar thanks to their high fiber content. They are also antioxidants due to their high levels of Vitamin C, and they also help with anemia, since they are a very good source of iron.

2. Chestnuts

From Juice Plus+ Company they assure that autumn and winter are also the golden seasons of chestnuts. Some of its benefits are: They are low in calories, rich in fiber and rich in vitamin Bso they produce improvements in the nervous system, and also help make the skin softer. In addition, they contain a high amount of iron, which helps control anemia.

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3. Avocado

They also point out that avocado contains high levels of potassium, which helps reduce blood pressure. In addition, it is very good for the heart, since it has oleic acid, which helps increase good cholesterol and reduce bad cholesterol. And finally, It is low in cholesterol and rich in fiber.

4. and 5. Extra virgin olive oil and nuts

According to Dr. Ana Gallego, director of Dra. Schrammek in Spain, olive oil is essential because it is a source of healthy fats with a high content of vitamin E, a great antioxidant. Besides, Nuts have fiber, which helps combat constipation.

6. Whole grain whole grain cereals

From Altrient, the supplement brand that pioneered the use of liposomal technology because they are richer in fiber and nutrients, they recommend the consumption of whole grain cereals due to their high fiber content.

7. Tomatoes

From Altrient they also indicate that Tomatoes have a lot of fiber and vitamins C and E. It is advisable to remove the skin before consuming them, since that is where the largest amount of harmful chemicals are.

8. Legumes

We are talking, for example, about lentils, beans, chickpeas…These delicious foods, according to the Altrient team, provide the body with the energy necessary to combat a hard winter day. Besides, They add protein, fiber and numerous vitamins.

9. Quinoa

Andrea Báguena and Irene Lezcano, nutritionists at Nutritienda.com, tell us that Quinoa has a high concentration of protein, contains a large amount of essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals and is one of the cereals most used by athletes. It has a low glycemic index, so it is good before doing sports, and It has a high content of fiber and Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. Like rice, once boiled it can be eaten in many ways: as is, with sauces, accompanied by vegetables, in salads, in a smoothie or with fruits and yogurt.

10. Focus

LPG experts remind that fucus is an algae rich in fiberwhat helps fight cravings and increase the feeling of satiety. It also speeds up metabolism and fights cellulite.

11. Almonds

They are a source of protein, fiber, vitamins and mineralshave great antioxidant power thanks to their contribution of vitamin E. In addition, they have calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, minerals that contribute to the maintenance of bones and teeth, making them a snack ideal to take to practice sports or mountain routes. In addition, since they also have iron, they help the normal functioning of the nervous system. Taking a handful daily is very good for your health. They can also be chopped and added to stews, desserts and salads.

12. Spinach

Spinach is a source of protein, fiber, iron, potassium, folates, calcium, vitamin C, A, E and b-carotenes. As for minerals, the “non-heme iron” is notable, which is absorbed with greater difficulty than the “heme” form existing in meat and its derivatives. However, this vegetable contains vitamin C, which improves your iron absorption. Iron helps reduce tiredness and fatigue, a typical symptom when there is joint or muscle weakness. It is preferable to take it raw, since it has lutein and when cooked it loses most of its benefits. In salads or smoothies it is the best option.

13. Sesame seeds

They are a source of minerals, vitamins, fiber, proteins, phosphorus and of course calcium, a lot of calcium. They have unsaturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, fiber, iron, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, thiamine, niacin, vitamin B6, folates, magnesium and vitamin E. They are known for being the seeds that hamburger buns have, but most people are unaware that they are one of the foods that has the most calcium.. This is why they are so good for bones and health in general. In addition, their high fiber content promotes digestive health. They can be used to prepare cookies, breads, salads and accompany any dessert. Another very healthy option is to take them alone, in the morning with a glass of water. They are left to hydrate in water the night before and consumed the next day.

14. Blueberries

They are rich in potassium, fiber and Vitamin C and supply the body antioxidants and reminaralizing that provide nutrients that hydrate the body, strengthen it and achieve a recovery of vitality.

15. Fruits and vegetables in general

According to Metropolitan nutrition experts, fruits and vegetables should always be present in our diet. They are fresh, low in calories and are very rich in water, so they will also help you hydrate. Whenever possible, try to consume them raw to maintain all their nutrients. and take advantage of its vitamins, minerals and fiber.

16. Wheat bran

Sandra Vaquera, nutritionist at Mediterranean Restaurant, maintains that The consumption of wheat bran is very appropriate, as long as it is not used habitually and drink a lot of water to avoid possible intestinal blockages and give the diet an extra contribution of fiber.

17. Dried plums

Vaquera maintains that they are especially interesting dried plums, which are almost five times richer in fiber than fresh ones. Plum juice is also an authentic natural medicine to relieve constipation.

18. The kiwi

It is one of the most laxative fruits, as the Mediterranean Restaurant nutritionist tells us. Most people who have intestinal transit problems are recommended to increase this fruit in their diet.

19. Figs

They are very rich in fiber and with recognized laxative properties.

20. The pineapple

“It exerts an important regulatory function of the intestine, for its laxative power“says Sandra Vaquera. “In addition, it has diuretic properties and it is one of the fruits that helps the most with problems of fluid retention“.

21. Whole wheat pastas and breads

Whole grain breads (wheat, corn or multicereals) They are ideal for combating constipation due to their high fiber content.. On the other hand, they are foods very rich in minerals essential for health.

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22. Vegetables

The dietician-nutritionist Ana Gloria Cantos Aguilar tells us that they are foods with a high water content and very few calories that, due to the large amount of fiber they have, will give us a good feeling of satiety. Of course, the fiber is found in the outer layer, in the skin. Therefore, if we peel fruits or vegetables before eating them, we will not only eliminate a large amount of vitamins and minerals, but also the fiber and, therefore, the satiety that they could provide us.

23. Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables such as spinach or chard, both rich in water and fiber, They help purify the body, especially after excesses. Likewise, ingredients such as arugula or watercress have antioxidant properties and help improve circulation.

24. Seeds

Nela Berlanga, pharmacist and Nutrition expert at KilosOut, mentions sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, flax and chia seeds, or mixtures of them. She assures that they are an excellent source of fiber, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, proteins and antioxidants.

25. Acai

The experts at Oakberry, a Brazilian açaí brand founded in Brazil in 2016, explain that “acaí is a small purple fruit that grows on trees (acaí palms) in the Amazon regions of Brazil.” They tell us what it is an essential food in the diets of celebrities such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Megan Fox and Jennifer Aniston why It is rich in dietary fiber, which favors intestinal transit, thus promoting healthy digestion.

26. Avena

The experts from Metropolitan’s Nutrition and Dietetics area talk about how oats, due to their soluble fiber content, It benefits people with diabetes, because it promotes the digestion of starch, stabilizing sugar levels, especially after eating. It also stands out for its richness in minerals, mainly iron, calcium, zinc, silica, iodine and phosphorus.

27. Peas

At Metropolitan they recommend peas for their contribution in protein, fiber, phosphorus, potassium, thiamine, niacin, folates and vitamin C.

28. Cabbage

They also say that Cabbage helps combat constipation, as it is a source of soluble fibersa type of fiber that absorbs water in the stool, making it softer, thus facilitating its elimination.

29. Root vegetables

They are root vegetables carrot, beet, celery, onion, garlic, leek, coriander, fennel, shawms, turnips, radishes, lotus flower and other lesser known varieties. Sometimes tubers are included along with this type of underground vegetables.

30. Artichoke

Salena Sainz, pharmacist and nutritionist dietician, assures that The artichoke acts as a probiotic and is very rich in fiber. It also helps reduce blood glucose and controls blood cholesterol levels, while protecting against constipation. “It stands out for its high content of phosphorus, iron, magnesium, calcium and potassium. Among its vitamins, vitamin B1, niacin and vitamin C stand out, with strong antioxidant action,” he says.

31. Chia seeds

Andrea Hernángomez and Andrea Báguena, from Nutritienda.com, say that chia seeds are rich in vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids. They have a high fiber content, creating a feeling of satiety., has antioxidant and purifying properties. They tell us that they are ideal to have between meals, as a snack or as desserts. They can be mixed with fruits, yogurts, juices and smoothies. “You can also make a dressing to include in salads and even meats,” they illustrate.

32. Blackberries

Dr. Nicholas Perricone, an expert in anti-aging medicine, not only recommends the consumption of blackberries due to their high antioxidant content but also because they contain a lot of fiber.. In addition, they are rich in vitamins A, C and E, which promote the generation of collagen and the absorption of iron.

33. Onions

The aforementioned doctor is also in favor of consuming onion (whether white or purple). 100 grams of onion contain 44 calories and 1.4 grams of fiber. Furthermore, they are a good source of folic acid.

34. Raspberries

One cup of raspberries (125 grams) contains about eight grams of fiber. In addition, they are an anti-inflammatory fruit that improves cardiovascular health and prevents neurodegenerative diseases.

35. Grapes

The specialist in Integrative Medicine and Psychoneuroimmunology (psychology, neurology, immunology and endocrinology), Xevi Verdaguer, responsible for Ariadne Artiles’ diet, talks about grapes because they have pectin. It is a fiber used mainly in industry for its capacity as a thickener. It’s interesting to improve intestinal health and prevent problems associated with diarrhea and constipation.

36. Cucumber

Verdaguer tells in his book, Transform your healthwhat pectins are also present in cucumber. In addition, cucumber provides vitamin C, provitamin A, vitamin E and B.

37. Celery

Celery also contains pectins according to the expert. That’s why provides fiber and is interesting in a healthy diet. In addition, celery has diuretic, appetizing, digestive, remineralizing, purifying, blood regenerating, anti-infective and healing properties.

38. Beet

According to Xevi Verdaguer, beets are not only rich in pectins but also in fructans. They are carbohydrates, polysaccharides and oligosaccharides formed exclusively by fructose units. They are considered dietary fiber (soluble fiber) and many benefits are attributed to them.

39. Cooked apple

Xevi Verdaguer tells us that the apple, in itself, has pectin but he assures that it is more advisable to consume it roasted because Apple pectin is a type of fiber that is best used by our intestinal microbiota in cooked fruit.baked apple or compote, than in raw fruit.

40. Asparagus

Verdaguer also recommends the consumption of asparagus because, like beets, contain fructans. In addition, they are highly recommended in weight loss diets because have diuretic properties and help combat fluid retention.

41. Chicory

Chicory is also interesting according to Ariadne Artiles nutritionist within the framework of a healthy diet because provides a lot of fibersince, like asparagus and beets, contains fructans but, furthermore, the model consumes it frequently because chicory acts as a eupeptic, increasing the secretion of gastric juicesresulting indicated in cases of heavy digestion. As if that were not enough, it is an interesting source of antioxidants.

42. Cauliflower

Cauliflower also contains fructans and is, therefore, an interesting source of fiberbut, in addition, it has large amounts of vitamins A, K, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and B vitamins.

43. Centeno

Fructans and beta-glucans It is what rye contains. The betaglucanos increase viscosity and reduce intestinal absorption of cholesterol. It is a type of polysaccharide that can also stimulate the immune system.

44. Flax seeds

Verdaguer recommends flax seeds because they contain lingans. They are similar to fiber, so They promote digestion and are antioxidants since they contain polyphenols.

45. Dried apricots

Doctors Teresa Lajo, Blanca García-Orea and Charo de Sisteré, in the book And now what as a doctor?: therapeutic nutrition guide, They recommend dried apricots as a good source of fiber. “They can be covered with water and natural agar and boiled for 10 minutes over low heat to be taken in the form of gelatin for breakfast, mid-morning or as a snack,” they indicate.

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