The Real Difference: Exploring the Color Variation in Chicken Eggs and its Implications for Consumers and Manufacturers

2023-10-10 07:53:05

The real difference is simply in the type of hen that lays the eggs… And more specifically, it is linked to the color of the bird’s earlobe. Breeds of chickens that have a pink or red lobe, such as brown chickens, will lay brown eggs; those with a white lobe, like white chickens, will lay white eggs.

While the Belgian is more reluctant to buy white eggs to prepare an omelette for example, these eggs are found in the composition of prepared products, such as mayonnaise or even pastries sold in stores.

Why do manufacturers use these eggs to prepare their products instead? Quite simply because they are cheaper. There are savings of up to 10% by using white eggs rather than brown eggs. Many countries, moreover, have not made a mistake, whether in the United States, Germany, or even India, the white egg takes up all the space on store shelves.

#Scan #white #eggs #sustainable #brown #eggs

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