Tractor Trailer Crash: House Facade Threatens to Collapse – Latest News and Updates

2023-10-09 15:12:00

The accident occurred around 10:30 a.m. on Monday, October 9. A tractor pulling a trailer filled with around 20 m³ of grass crashed into the facade of a house located at the crossroads of Rue René Rutten and Rue du Bac, next to Place de la Halle, in the heart of Clermont. The driver wanted to join the street which goes down, the Thier. While turning, the trailer scraped the entire facade of the house and a large crack appeared.

“If the driver had continued like that, the house would have ended up on the square,” announces the contractor, from Maison Mosane Techniques & Traditions (MMTT) located in Baelen, responsible for ensuring the stability of the facade as quickly as possible. time limit.

According to the driver’s client, the tractor came from Theux, “he didn’t know the way and he followed the GPS which took him to that street, where trucks don’t usually pass.”

The cargo is holding up the facade which threatens to collapse. ©EdA LABEYE Philippe

According to witnesses on site, it appears that someone had begun to guide the driver, who already seemed stuck in the mud. However, it wasn’t enough.

A large crack in the facade threatens the stability of this rubble house dating from 1721. It was the old butcher’s shop in the village, recalls Romain Jaminon, the owner, who left his job to see the facts. “Someone came to ring the bell. Via the camera, I had already noticed that there was a problem because I might hear shouting in the street. Which is not usual,” he says.

When he arrived on the scene, he met the mayor, an alderman, the police, the firefighters. “The person to whom the delivery was to be made owns a demolition company and he offered to intervene as quickly as possible.”

The stability work was launched as quickly as possible. ©EdA LABEYE Philippe

Monday followingnoon, workers were busy stabilizing the facade in order to free the trailer and free the intersection. Fortunately, the occupants of the house were able to find a solution to be rehoused in the coming days because stability is not guaranteed, they report. “Now we are waiting for the quotes. The experts in rubble stone houses are currently overloaded… So the renovation project that we had also undertaken inside is at a standstill.”

The intersection of rue du Bac which extends towards Thier and rue Renée Rutten which extends towards place de la Halle is currently blocked to traffic due to the presence of the load and the tractor.

The cargo was stuck once morest the facade of the old butcher’s shop. ©EdA LABEYE Philippe

The busy route was cleared at the end of the day around 6:30 p.m. “As soon as we have ensured stability, we will push the trailer to avoid further damaging the wall. The aim of the game is to limit the damage. By pushing it, it is our best option”, indicated the company responsible for stability, MMTT.

Fortunately, the accident did not cause any injuries but it caused numerous traffic problems, the crossroads being the main axis between the village of Clermont and various surrounding communities.

Although rue du Bac is once once more open to traffic, rue René Rutten will remain closed for a few more days, confides the owner. “The contractor points out that vibrations on the roadway might further weaken the facade. »

Rue René Rutten will remain closed for a few more days to avoid weakening the facade of the house. ©Romain Jaminon
#tractor #threatens #stability #facade #heart #village #Clermont



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